The Father Says Today: December 2nd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, find your strength in Me. I am your strength and I am your shield. When the enemy comes against you with his assault, it is My fist that responds. When you have expended your last resource, and can see nothing but failure, I will come through for you in complete and utter deliverance. Fear not human extremity. There is no need to take inventory and estimate just how long before your supply is exhausted. The treasuries of heaven are at your disposal. You have the overdraft protection of the bank of heaven. The blank check of heaven is NOW handed to you, signed from ink drawn from the crimson, stained, inkwell of Calvary.
Spend your faith today, says the Father. Go shopping in the mall of the heavenlies, and just allow yourself to dream of just how life could be. Dream not a little dream but a big dream. I am a God of bigness and there are big things I can and will do in your life. Trust Me. Let Me take it from here. You are not merely window shopping. You are not pressing your nose against the glass of someone else’s testimony. This is your portion. This is the promise wherewith I reshape and mold and fashion for you the manifest substance of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled, says the Father.

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