The Father Says Today: December 26th, 2016

The Father says today, enter into the finished work of Calvary. From the foundation of the world the lamb was slain. From the foundation of the world the price was paid. This is an eternal truth and a universal verity. This is the one great fact of the world. This is the reference point in every dealing that I have with you. The works were finished from the foundation of the world. It is finished. It is over. It is done. I have made up My mind that in blessing, I will bless you. In increase, I will increase you. In enlargement, I will enlarge you. There is no wavering nor shadow of turning. This is My plan and will My plan be overthrown?
So, set your mind and heart upon the throne, says the Father. Refuse to exclude yourself through unbelief from all that I have set in store for you. My default answer toward you is yes. You are moving in My latitude and indulgence far more than you realize. My patience extends much farther than you would accord to yourself, but I won’t wait forever. Keep short accounts and stay in the place of humility and forgiveness. See the lamb that sits on the throne of your heart and refuse to step out of the lamb nature in your dealings with others.

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