The Father Says Today: December 23rd, 2016

The Father says today, receive the kingdom that I have given you as the free gift of heaven. My kingdom is righteousness. My kingdom is joy. My kingdom is peace. These are the markers of My presence in your life. They are your portion and the gift of heaven that I give you now. You are not excluded. You are not cast out. Others have cast you out and kicked you to the curb, but I have received you in a time appointed, and washed and cleansed you, that you might sit at My table. I have prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies. Come hungering. Come thirsting and I will fill you with My goodness and My favor at every turn.
Press into the pressure. There is pressure, says the Father, and I know that. Push back and push through. Refuse to be denied. Refuse to accept the pressure of men’s opinions, for they will never agree with My blessing on your life. Be like the woman with the issue of blood who came at Me in the press and would not take no for an answer. She touched the hem of My garment and was delivered of her plague. I have much more for you than the hem of a garment. I am casting a mantle of favor and anointing over your life. Draw on the virtue that is resident within Me and you will be made whole. I am your wholeness this day. I am your deliverance. Press in and receive.

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