The Father Says Today: December 22nd, 2014

dpw-150The Father says today that I am your security and your trust in this hour. The enemy will attack you in your mind and your emotions in order to overthrow the decisions in your life that removed you from his grasp. Stand fast by the choices I have led you to make. The faculty of decision in your heart is the means by which victory is grasped and faith rises up. No compromise and no second-guessing. The faith I put on the inside of you is incapable of anemic or halfhearted solutions. Your faith is the bulldog of your soul having sunk his teeth into the devil’s hide will shake him till he gives up in howling defeat. This is the tenacity I am calling up within you this day.
Do not give up says the Father and do not compromise. Others with greater armor and more powerful reputations in the kingdom may have pulled back but don’t you pull back. Remember the words of the writer of Hebrews – “looking unto Jesus… the author and the finisher”. I am authoring in you and finishing in you – look unto Me for any other focus is too low and does not reflect that great thing that I will do in your life. Refocus and adjust your expectations. Face your challenges with the baseline assumption that all of heaven is underwriting the risks you are taking in expectation of My blessing and favor. This is the day and the hour of heaven’s best come to your aid says the Father.

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