The Father Says Today: December 19th, 2016

The Father says today, let My peace surround you this day. I am the Prince of Peace. When you settle yourself down into My peace you are surrounding yourself with My favor and My goodness. My peace is the arbiter that keeps you calm in the midst of every storm. My kingdom is righteousness, joy and PEACE. My kingdom doesn’t just bring peace, it IS peace. Allow My peace to be the boundary that you will not cross over for any reason. Why would you ever step out of peace when My peace constitutes the embrace by which I hold you and keep you? Refuse to be seduced from the place of peace. Make it your determination today to be settled, firm and securely, ensconced in the place of peace, where nothing and no one can disrupt your undisturbed composure.
There will be those in the coming days who will sense the depths of peace and composure by which I hold you, and they will attempt to unsettle you and distract you. Keep your eyes upon Me. Love them. Speak words of peace to them. If your peace – the peace I have given you returns to you, then shake the dust off your feet and keep moving. Dust is the serpent’s food. Do not allow the spirit of the flesh operating in unenlightened lives around you to affect your walk. Shake it off and keep moving in My peace. They won’t understand and you could never explain to them because the only narrative those in darkness accept is the narrative of the negative. I haven’t called you to be negative. I haven’t called you to bang the claxon of an alarmist mentality. In the face of challenge and threat, just look for Me in the bow of your boat and join Me in the place of peace and rest. The storm will be quieted. You will be suddenly at land and all will be well.

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