The Father Says Today: December 18th, 2016

The Father says today, the door is opened and not closed. I have opened the door, says the Father. I have opened the door of My mercy to you. Open the door of your heart and let My mercy wind begin to blow. Open the windows of your mind. Open the door of your heart. Let the door, even of the past be open to Me, and I will blow out all the dust of regret and shame, oh My beloved. I say to you be opened. You thought I would not want to see those things you have hidden, but I saw them already. I saw them and bled. I saw them and died. I saw them and rose from the dead to set you free from your secret shame. I say to you this day, be free, says the Father. Be free. Cast yourself on the altar and let your house be filled with the fragrance of My mercy, even this day.
The Father says, you will no longer be sense-ruled. I release you this day from the unending quest for the sensational. I have not called you to the sensational, says the Father. I have called you to My altar. Your salvation is not in the shout – your salvation is in Me. Let your silence wait for Me. When you hear My sound, it will not be the fanfare of man, or the performing spirit of man that will capture your attention. Man will not distract you, for you will be caught up in My glory. This is the marriage altar I call you to. This is where the graves are opened, and the dead whisper to the living of the life that death cannot extinguish. Come forth, says the Father. Come forth and hear My voice, and as My voice speaks to the hearts of men – your heart will respond.

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