The Father says today, I am bringing recovery into the land. I am recovering the land, says the Father. I am recapturing the land in your life that man has taken for a prey. Come into the land that I have recovered for you. Come and build your house there. Come and build your hopes and dreams in that new place that I have prepared for you. Man did not do this. Princes of the earth did not do this. It is by My hand that all is accomplished, and by My hand My promise is being made secure unto you. You are secure in My hand. Walls will not secure you. Arms will not secure you. I will secure you. I will be a wall of fire round about you and a fire in your midst. It is I and none other to whom you will give the glory, says your Father.
We are at the beginning of an apostolic recovery, says the Father. The apostles are coming forth in the earth. My ordained, called and sent ones are coming forth in the earth. The great and coming day of the Lord is at hand and will I not present My truth in the earth once again with apostolic authority? Will I not come with signs, miracles and wonders? Will I not be known by My name Yah? By My name Yah will I be made known. I am coming and upon My thigh is that which is written “King of Kings”. Come forth oh My apostles. Come forth My holy apostles. You do not belong to the nations – you belong to Me. You belong to Me and I will send you to the nations. You will step over borders and boundaries and be unscathed.
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Julia Jaime says:
Amen hallelujah
Alessandra Melito says:
Hallelujah and Amen! God is giving back my land that was taken from me… New land… Confirmation….! Yes Lord I receive my house to build my hopes and dreams… Surround me & my family with a wall of fire… I receive everything you have for me Lord….blessing to you all here who post….Thank you Russell for God’s word…be blessed!
Verdell Priester says:
Celia Dominguez says:
Yesterday, our Lord spoke to me and asked me what my hopes and dreams were…after responding, I asked Him what His hopes and dreams were…then I had a vision of a wall of fire coming towards me…this morning I read this word…I am in awe…
Carol May says:
Linda Onyejiji says:
Amen Amen Amen IJN
Piper Henry says:
Hallelujah and Amen.. Thank you Father God for I claim and receive your presence word that is being spoken throughout the earth.. For you are the fire that burns within me, you are the fire that surrounds me. I am stepping into your favor and mercy, for your grace is sufficient.. For now is the time.. this is my now time.. Hallelujah
Sheila Anderson says:

Shawn Davenport says:
Amen! Powerful rhema to me this describes Jubilee a word He gave me through you on the 14th and confirmed it yesterday! To God be the glory! We decree today is JUBILEE our of Zions Hills Salvation comes! To God be all the glory! Yay!
Christy Ligon says:
Amen Thank You Jesus
Lea Anne Keirns says:
Amen! I trust you Father God!
Simon Chidi Simeon says:
Thank you Jesus for your word is yes and Amen
Ribbion Natasha Stephens says:
Amen! Under construction..
Peter Michika says:
Amen and Amen
Pastor-Sonia Oyola says:
Thank You JESUS.
Pam Jones says:
Yes, Lord! AMEN! I receive it! Thank you Jesus!
Ayobami Adedokun says:
Amen in Jesus name
Annita van der Laan says:
Alice Isiiye says:
Dairlynn Petit says:
Arise! Shine!! It’s Time!!!
Cecyl Favarote says:
Medua Awana says:
Zipporah Mburu says:
Jean Waithaka says:
David Gillies says:
Eric Prince Omae says:
Joe Masela Masela says:
Ida Douglas says:
Amen Glory to God
Virginia Hopper says:
David Abel Ngobeni says: