The Father Says Today: December 15th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 4.42.05 PMThe Father says today that I am establishing you the heart of a servant within you. The Father says I am establishing a servant’s heart within you that I might give you a son’s reward. I am bringing a new mantle of entitlement over you that you might with confidence take hold of the promises that were established by the blood of the cross 2000 years ago. I said in my word that you are a living epistle. You are a living epistle written by My hand. Your chapters of your life do not comprise not a classical tragedy but a testimony of success victory and overcoming.
So let not your heart be distracted when others around you fail to serve or to be about the Father’s business, for the reward is not theirs but yours My child. I am sending angelic assistance to come alongside and open doors of opportunity for you. Let your life be poured out like a drink offering for as you pour out of your limitedness and limited resources I will pour out of my irreducible and eternal benefits and blessings and power in a new way and a broader capacity than you have ever experienced says your God.
What Others are Saying:
What a wonderful God. Thank you for a word of encouragement. To worship a good God that knows us is certainly to be praised. Russ and Kiddy thank you for your ministry. I am happy to hear and know who you are and appreciate the service of serving the Lord the way that is truely God’s way. Thank you for saying Yes to Him.

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