The Father Says Today: December 14th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today I choose you. I lay claim to your life afresh and anew this day. You belong to Me. I bought you with a price and you are Mine. The enemy cannot have you. Sickness cannot have you. Brokenness and heartbreak cannot have you. Addiction cannot have you. I break addiction off of your life this day. Demon spirits cannot have you. I dispel the obnoxious presence of the demonic from your life this day. Religious spirits cannot lay claim to you. I banish religious spirits and religious thinking from your life and your mind this day. From this day forward you will think My thoughts with purity and clarity says the Father.
I bestow upon you the spirit of adoption. Your heart is nestled in your breast like a baby in crib crying “Abba, Father”. I am your Daddy-God. I am your Daddy-Father and you cannot never offend Me by coming to Me in intimacy and affection. Come to Me. Come expecting. Come knowing already that I will greet you and embrace you and shower My love and goodness upon you. I will in fact change and transform your life and transform you into My image for you are My beloved and in you this day I choose to delight Myself.

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