The Father Says Today: December 11th, 2013

DSC06690The Father says today that I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Author and the Finisher. That which I have begun in your life I will keep safe and I will finish. Fear not says the Father for My hand is at work to do My good pleasure. My good pleasure is expressed as your highest happiness and My greatest purpose. These are not mutually exclusive. There is no contradiction between My purpose and those things your heart aches for. I am causing a fresh wind to blow in your life this day. Turn into the current of what I am doing today and let the things of the past go by the wayside.
Yesterday’s Manna will not strengthen you for today’s challenge says the Father. But I have laid in store for you all that is needful to face this day’s challenge. Refuse in your heart to allow any consciousness of weakness or lack to cloud your vision or dim your confidence in any way. Those things that I have authored in you through My promise will be finished by My faithfulness and you will not be ashamed or turned back from the purpose that I have planted in your heart. Trust, rest, go forth in confidence. I am with you, before and beside and within you. I am your stay and your buckler and you will overcome.
What Others are Saying:
A very timely word, thank you so much for this encouragement. May god bless your ministry and the time you give to encourage and edify others.

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Other Comments

  • Bridgette says:

    I decree and declare you word Lord over my life. I trust you Lord that ALL spoken in this
    prophetic word will not only bless me, but all other eyes that reads and all hearts that
    I now wait to receive ALL you have for me Jesus. And I thank you right now. THANK YOU LORD!
    And I love you Lord Jesus . . . .