The Father Says Today: August 9th, 2017

The Father says today, receive the reward of intimacy. The reward of intimacy is proximity to My person. I have ordained that all those who walk in intimacy with Me will experience the dividends of proximity to My glory. Many who love Me and have walked with Me have often wondered why I seemed hidden to them. Hiddenness is not your portion. When you experience My hiddenness, ask yourself what I am trying to show you and teach you? When the lessons in the time of intimacy are received the manifest glory returns. When My manifest glory comes closer and closer you are changed in spirit, soul and body in fundamental ways that answer the greatest cries of your life.
Press in to the glory. Be teachable. Receive the message of My heart for the day and complete the assignment. Move INTO and not AWAY FROM the pressure that is pressing upon you right now. As you press into the pressure – you break out in to the kingdom. Whether that pressure is coming from a person or a situation, do not yield. I haven’t called you to yield to man, I have called you to yield to My call and My plan for your life. There is a script written for every one of the days you live in your earthly sojourn. Trust Me for the screenplay of your life. It isn’t a tragedy. It isn’t some sad drama or cautionary tale. Others watch your life and think you are going to fail. You are not coming to failure, you are moving in victory. Enjoy the process. Stop obsessing over the end result and just trust Me, knowing that the suddenlies of heaven will reach you and become secure in your experience as you maintain and pursue deeper intimacy with Me.

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