The Father Says Today: August 21st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today enter into your rest. Step into the quiet rest and confidence of one whose warfare is ended for I vanquished your enemy by the sacrifice of Myself on the cross. You are blood-bought says the Father. You are bought and paid for. I care for My own and will not allow the enemy to encroach upon your life in any way. There is an abundance, an utter fulness of quietness that will manifest in your utter abandonment of your cares and troubles to My capable hands.
So Beloved, say to your soul “Rest in His Rest”. Trust in My rest and dwell in My rest and feed yourself to the full on My faithfulness. You are the sheep of My pasture and this day I bring you to feed on the green shoots of My fidelity and reliability to save and delivery you COMPLETELY. I am doing a complete work says the Father and will leave not one thread of concern or care to disquiet you from the still waters you are drinking from today. Delight yourself in My faithfulness and find satisfaction for your soul. Everything in your life will spontaneously transform according to the template of heaven-on-earth as you abandon yourself to rest in Me.

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