The Father Says Today: August 15th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that you are a recipient of My kindness. It is My marvelous kindness that is shaping your life and preparing you for the good things that I have in store. There is no need for you to prepare for disaster or downturn for that is not your portion. I have shown you My kindness in a strong city surrounded by My favor and protected by My right hand. This is the hour My kindness will be shown in your life. This is the season that My mercy and comfort will buffer you on the right hand and on the left.
I see your desires says the Father. I have caused your heart to desire and ache for what I determined to give you and bring into your life before the foundation of the world. Let My kindness be in you and flow through you even out to others. My kindness in your heart toward others increases the aperture through which My favor rains down upon you. Therefore, allow My kindness to originate in you and be shown to those around you. Include those that are unlovely, unkind and dismissive of you. Be loving and considerate even to those who are undeserving. In so doing there shall be a well of My life-giving Spirit springing up within you in great blessing, benefit and favor in your own life and circumstance.

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