The Father Says Today: August 12th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I hear your cry in the midst of affliction. When you are overwhelmed beloved, pour out your complaint to Me. There is a difference between transparent communication before My throne and murmuring. I know your heart. It is your portion to return My will to Me in prayer. When you are experiencing circumstances that do not fit the parameters of “life and life more abundantly” – make your complaint known in My courts. This is the manner by which heaven’s resources are earmarked for your life. You know My will. You communicate My own will to Me in prayer – and the result is that My will is done in your life. The angels in heaven stand ready to requisition answers to your need through prayer and faith believing.
Never accept beloved the contaminated and deceitful doctrines of men that hold Me responsible for origination pain, sorrow, desperation, or devastation in your life. I will never put in your life what the cross and the price of Calvary was spent to take out of your life. This is not what you have heard nor what you have been taught. Be a Father pleaser and determine to trust in My word and in My promise even when the councils of the uninformed malign My faithfulness with their dead theology and lifeless doctrines. My word is alive in you. My word is putting you over. My word is the flaming, living sword that is cutting asunder every tie and every chain the enemy has dared to bring round about you.

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