The Father Says Today: April 4th, 2017

The Father says today, I am looking for that one who will stand in the gap. I am looking for that one who will take initiative and assume responsibility. All around you are those who point the finger and seek to fade into the crowd without any sense of accountability or concern. Don’t be afraid. Refuse to be swallowed up by timidity and cowardice. This is the moment to step forward and face what is before you. When all others are passing by as though there was no cause to champion – make it your determination to make a difference. Lay your hand to the plow of My purpose. Open your mouth and address the injustices that others pretend not to see or take notice of. Let your courage be strong and your will resistant to every threat of the enemy for I am with you and will strengthen your resolve and give you boldness to slay every giant in your path. 
Say in your heart that you will be a defender of the weak and a champion of the defenseless. Because I am in you there is a limitless reserve of power and authority that flows in your veins. You will not fail. You will not come to nothing. You will not be forgotten for I will make My name famous in the lives of all of those who abandon themselves to Me. You will run through a troop. You will leap over the wall. You can and will get the job done if you simply choose to have the courage to initiate and get started. Say in your heart “I am an initiator because the Author and the Finisher lives within me”! Your destiny will not be an abortion. You will bring to the birth those dreams and visions that you have held so precious to you for so long. Press in, says the Father. Be resolute. Refuse to look to the right hand or to the left and all will be fulfilled and brought to pass that I have promised.

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