The Father Says Today: June 10th, 2012

The Father says “You are not a second-place citizen in My Kingdom.” There are no Esau’s in the New Covenant. There are none over which I say “This one I have loved less”. I cannot love you less, says the Father. I can only love you more. I love you more than you can fathom […]


The Father Says Today: June 9th, 2012

The Father says that the genuine always outpaces the counterfeit. I said the genuine artifacts of the Kingdom will always outpace the counterfeits that the enemy brings in because he is on a budget, and I’m not. You will know the difference by becoming familiar with My sound, says the Father. The enemy will bring […]


The Father Says Today: June 8th, 2012

The Father says I will never deny you. You haven’t denied Me, and I won’t deny you. If I failed to answer your prayer, that would be denial. I won’t do that, says the Father; if I failed to speak to you when you needed to hear from Me, that would be denial. I won’t […]


The Father Says Today: June 7th, 2012

The Father says that I am not intimidated by darkness. I shine in the darkness. I dominate darkness with My light. When you are facing the darkness in your mind and hearts, the Father responds to it as I would. In every challenge and in the face of evil, My baseline response is LORDSHIP. There […]


The Father Says Today: June 6th, 2012

The Father says, you get to have it all. Any other mindset is uninformed and destructive. I am not holding out on you. You do not have to overcome My reluctance to move on your behalf because I DON’T HAVE ANY. My son on the cross expresses My agenda for your life, to bless and […]


The Father Says Today: June 5th, 2012

The Father says today that everything is coming your way. Do you recall I said in My word I am gathering all things together in Christ? Where is Christ? Is He not IN you? If Christ IS in you and I AM gathering all things together in Christ, then IT FOLLOWS that EVERYTHING is coming […]


The Father Says Today: June 4th, 2012

The Father says today you know My rain is about to fall when you hear My sound. Some will say it thundered. Some will be distracted by the angel activity that accompanies everything I do. But if you focus on My heart, you will hear My sound. You can hear My sound in the media. […]


The Father Says Today: June 3rd, 2012

The Father says, “Never answer your critics.” Those around you are having a hard time coping with your call. They don’t see you the way I see you, and that stumbles them where you are concerned. Would you like Me to help you with that? “LOVE THEM REGARDLESS!” I have called you to walk in […]


The Father Says Today: June 2nd, 2012

The Father says I’m going to get pushy in your life. I’m going to push down the altars of the idols that have demanded your worship and I’m going to push out the enemy that has encroached upon your territory. I say to you that you don’t have to keep asking Me about that anymore. […]


The Father Says Today: June 1st, 2012

The Father says I am loosing you from unexpressed disappointments. You have experienced letdowns and shattered dreams, and I have collected every unshed tear. I was despised and rejected and considered accursed from Heaven, but I bore it all in loving silence on your behalf. I bore the scars, says the Father, that you might […]