A Vision for the Nation – Finding Our Way Forward in Faith

In prayer, the Spirit of God stirred me and brought to mind several visions about the nation and the posture God’s people should take in the days ahead. These visions include that of an American flag being devoured by an individual wearing an Uncle Sam outfit and the second vision that of the Statue of […]


The Purpose of the Prophetic in Your Life

The prophetic gifts and the office of the prophet are prominent themes in Christian tradition. Many Christians today limit their understanding of prophecy to what they see on the surface, but it is more than that. The prophetic is a tool that God has given us to help us prosper. In 2 Chronicles 20:20, it […]


Ezekiel’s Wheel within a Wheel – Releasing God’s Glory in Your Life

In Ezekiel chapter 1, we witness with the prophet the unspeakable vision of transcendent glory revealed to the prophet by the river Chebar. As we consider the elements of this vision, we understand that because it represents the glory of God, it is a descriptor of who God is on the inside of us by […]


God’s Promise of Prosperity

God Will Make Your Way Prosperous Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good […]


Experiencing the Power of God

“The raw power of God in your life is legitimized by your obedience and scandalized by your unsanctified ambition.” As Christians, we are all seeking a deeper relationship with God. We want to experience the power of God in our lives and know that we are living in accordance with His divine plan. But what […]


Living as a Viable Son – Do What You See the Father Do

Jesus lived an extraordinary life, and the secret to his success was simple but profound: he did what he saw the Father do and made his decisions as he heard the Father speak. These principles, outlined in John 5:19 and 5:30, are the essence of how a son of God is meant to live. Living […]


The Rider with the Inkhorn – The Sixth Man Ministry – The Calling to Write

The ministry and commission to devote yourself to the written word is a mandate and calling from heaven coming forth in radical emphasis in the day we live in. Martin Luther, in 1521 is quoted as saying he “fought the devil with ink!” Another time the devil appeared to Luther, and he threw his inkwell […]


Make or Break Faith in Your Life – Today!

Prophet Russ – I Have MAKE or BREAK Faith and it’s Putting Me OVER – Today! As we navigate through life, we are confronted with various challenges that can either make or break us. From financial difficulties to health issues and even societal pressures, there always seems to be a constant obstacle that threatens to […]


Ten Positive Confessions Straight from the Scriptures

Speaking the word over your life is potent beyond my power to exaggerate. Take the following ten passages and speak them over yourself every day, several times as necessary. You will see change, deliverance and miracles as the result! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). “God has not given […]