Deep Calling to Deep – Pleading the Blood: A Spiritual Defense

What does it REALLY mean to ‘plead the blood of Jesus’? In this post you will discover its Biblical foundation and how to protect yourself through prayer by invoking the power of the blood of Christ as a spiritual weapon. Many of us have heard and used the phrase “pleading the blood of Jesus” in […]


Make Your Life a Drink Offering to King Jesus! Living a Life Poured Out to Christ

Is your relationship with God transactional or unconditional? Walking with God in a transactional relationship implies that your commitment to Christ is influenced by the benefits that accrue to your life as a result of your devotion. A life of surrender implies that though there will be challenges and delays in destiny and often very […]


Did Jesus Die Spiritually? A Reexamination of Christian Doctrine

*This post introduces our new “Deep Calling to Deep” Initiative. See endnote for more information. To share your viewpoint, use the comment function in the post. Please be civil and respectful.  Introduction The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a watershed moment in the Christian faith. His sacrificial death stands as the ultimate act of redemption […]