Pre-Election Prophetic Roundtable Predicts Outcome

[7] Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. – Amo 3:7 KJV In mid-October Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden held a closed door prophetic round table with several prophetic voices from around the country. In this meeting Russ disclosed a revelation the Lord gave him […]


The Kingdom of God is Breaking It's Banks in 2013

This is a reprint of a prophetic word in 2011 about an outpouring of God’s Spirit. The occasion of this resend is a word from Graham Cooke that the “Water Level is Rising” and a word given us recently about a coming “I-70 Outpouring” in the Midwest. Kenneth Hagin Sr. prophesied of a revival that would come […]


Connect with the e-Church Initiative!

WHAT IS e-CHURCH ANYWAY? Click HERE to Visit e-Church Above all things Jesus in his earth walk made Himself accessible and approachable. He went where the people were and established an environment of KINGDOM COMMUNITY. In the first century this meant sitting on the Mount of Olives instead of in the temple with the Pharisees. Today it […]



ANGELS AMONG US: Unseen Hand Returns Lost Pocket Book On Wednesday the 18th Prophet Kitty Walden hurried about her morning unaware that an angel was shadowing her steps. Running a few minutes late she dashed down a half cup of coffee and headed out the door down the three flights to her car. She stowed […]


Live Streaming Prophetic Small Group Tonight 7 p.m. CDT

[Previously Broadcast – Recorded Stream is Below] Tonight at 7 p.m. CDT we will be streaming the monthly Prophetic Small Group. There will be personal prophecy, a special word from Prophet Walter Waller and a study Prophetic Counseling and it’s benefits. For those not able to attend or watch the live session at 7 p.m. […]


Somehow, THANKS is Not Enough…

This posting is for the singular purpose to say THANK YOU to all those who have connected with Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden and Father’s Heart Ministry. Father’s Heart Ministry was launched in 2007. Since that time it has been our privilege and honor to connect with thousands of people around the world. Our passion […]