The Father Says Today – July 16th, 2024 – Crossing Over to the Other Side

The Father says today, I see you skillfully navigating the river of life, steering clear of obstacles that would hinder others. You have gracefully journeyed through challenging times, maintaining a song of love and devotion in your heart. Now, I am increasing the pace of your journey. The angels assigned to accompany you on your […]


The Father Says Today – July 11th, 2024 – The River of God in Your Life

The Father says today, I am moving over the face to the deep to redefine, reshape, and remold your life circumstances, your relationships, and even your physical body. This will cause you to break forth and walk in the enlargement of step according to My power and promise. I am manifesting the pillar of My […]


The Father Says Today – July 10th, 2024 – Healing in Your Hands

The Father says today, care not for the storms raging about you. Do not look at the winds and the waves. Do not look at the threatening circumstances. Do not listen to the voices that say, ‘You can’t do that,’ or ‘It isn’t going to work out.’ Keep your eyes upon Me, for as you […]


The Father Says Today – July 9th, 2024 – Exodus and Divine Advancement

The Father says today, take inventory of your life, for I am bringing a move of My Spirit that includes you. Like the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, this is your time of coming out, for I include you and I choose you! What was once acceptable will no longer suffice. Gather your strength and resolve […]