Breakthrough Word for July 2022

God is Passing Over You This Day and Marking You for His Purposes

You are destined to be a part of something larger than yourself, says the Father. There is going to be a Great Awakening again on the earth. I never leave My pastures at the mercies of the wolves and predators who do not spare my flock. I Am superintending the affairs of men, even though, at times, that hasn’t been the focus or the message of those who claim to represent My interests. You have a portion, says the Father, and you have a place in those things I am about to do and bring over the earth. As I passed over Egypt and called out My sons and daughters, I Am passing over you this day and marking you for My purposes.

Prophet Russ – I Am Marked for God’s Purposes and I See Myself as Part of Something Larger!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

So pray into My purposes and pray into My holy pursuits, for they are the framework of your future. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard the full glory of that which I am doing. Even now, I bring to birth My purposes, and I am calling upon you to have the spirit of a midwife to attend the birthing of this new season of renewal and outpouring. As a wise steward, I am bringing forth things new and old. I will marry the generations and cause a new sound to be heard on the earth. Are you ready? Prepare yourself, for I have chosen you for this hour and day that is now at hand.

Prophet Russ – I Am Ready and Am Preparing Myself for God’s Purposes in This Hour!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

The Father says today that defeat is not possible from your position in Christ. This truth is demonstrable and measurable in your life. Have I EVER failed you? Have I EVER let you down? Am I not EVER interceding on your behalf – stating your case before the Throne? I am lobbying for HIGHEST HEART’S DESIRE, and GREATEST DREAM FULFILLED … this is the ONLY assignment I have undertaken since ascending on high, leading captivity captive. There can be NO OTHER OUTCOME for you.

Prophet Russ – The Father has Never Let Me Down and I Expect Highest Heart’s Desire Today!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

So REJECT the rationalizations of unbelief and religious thinking. I haven’t called you to be religious. Spiritual reality and religious pretense cannot exist in the same environment. Which do you choose, My beloved? I have ordained you to be a FIRST PARTAKER and a BREAKER-PARTNER in your own deliverance and blessing. So gather up your dreams, thoughts, concerns, and plans, and move over from the unreality of religious triviality into the substance and truth of who I AM and what I AM doing on earth. It is a new day. The provision is made – the next step you take is a step into the bonafide fullness of My promise!

Prophet Russ – I Take the Next Step into the Bonafide Fullness of God’s Promise for My Life!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Sowing into the Word of God:

It is an act of honor to sow into a prophetic word. Sowing into the word is an act of faith to appropriate that word, to lay hold on the promise in that word your personal situation. As you step out and as an act of honor, sow into a prophetic word. Sowing into the word is an act of faith to appropriate that word, to lay hold on the promise in that word for your personal situation. You also become a partaker of the same blessings and anointing that is upon this ministry. It is our desire that you have your version of our breakthrough in the things of God.

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Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophet Russ Walden

Now – take a step of faith and to go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.

ANNOUNCEMENT! We Now Have Text to Give:

Text the word PROPHET to 44321

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Go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation.

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To Give by Mail:

Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 6581


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