Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2023

Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2023

This is Russ Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry, and I am excited to share with you the Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2023.

As I began to pray about this month and all the things happening in the Spirit, in your life, and on the world scene, the Lord spoke to me clearly about the political process. So much of what believers expect today results in pinning their hopes on a political party, politician, or the outcome of an election. The Father says to you this day that YOU are MY ELECT, and that is the only election necessary to put OVER THE TOP and into the very HEART of My Glory that changes the world and, yes, changes your life right down to the most basic needs and challenges you are facing.

I am a jealous God, says the Father, and I will share the hopes and dreams of My people with no one. I am your savior. I am your outcome. I am the never-failing resource to bring the victory, provision, and healing you cry out for.

Men will fail you.

Politicians will fail you.

False promises are being exposed

Those who’ve made merchandise of you are bring brought to nothing!

Armies are marching in the power of their strategies, tactics, and weapons, but I say to you that THE VICTORY is mine, and as you LOOK TO ME, I will cause the enemy to be defeated and blessings to fall upon you like warm rain on the summer day and you WILL BE FRUITFUL beyond all imagining.

Declare and decree deep in your soul that IT ISN’T BY MIGHT OR POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT says God that I’m going to do the things on the earth that I’m going to do. By the sweeping arm of My strength, I will move men and armies out of the way and pour out a blessing upon you that you cannot contain, says the Father.

Politics and men’s machinations and schemes are coming to failure on the earth. This is not because the forces of darkness are gaining the upper hand but rather because it is a system that has been built on human wisdom and power rather than on the foundation of My Unfailing Word.

The Lord also showed me that this failure of the political process is not a punishment but rather an act of endearment. He is moving to bring our confidence and trust back to his unshakable faithfulness.

The watchword for November 2023 is found in Zechariah 4:6:

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty.

This verse reminds us that it is not our own strength or abilities that will bring about victory but rather the power of the Holy Spirit working through us.

Representative government has been the dominant form of government in the West for the past 200 years. However, in recent years, we have seen a decline in the effectiveness and popularity of this system as populist forces and the cult of personality have clouded the governmental arena and contaminated that which God brought about in purity and honor in the founding of this nation (the USA).

Several factors have contributed to this decline. One factor is the increasing polarization of the electorate. This polarization has made it difficult for elected officials to find common ground and compromise. Another factor is the growing distrust of government institutions. This distrust is fueled by many factors, including corruption, scandals, and the perception that the government is not responsive to the needs of the people.

The Rise of Executive Power

As representative government has declined, we have seen a rise in the power of the executive branch of government. This trend is likely to continue in the coming years. This is because the executive branch is subject to a different level of oversight than the legislative branch. Additionally, the executive branch has several tools at its disposal, such as executive orders and emergency powers, that it can use to implement its agenda without going through Congress.

The Coming Breakdown of the Political System

The Father says, we are headed for a breakdown of the political system from which will come an outpouring of My Spirit that will be unprecedented in its influence and miraculous strength to reshape and reorient men not to look at a human solution but to believe in miraculous intervention on the level of states and non-state actors right down to your individual life – on every level.

This breakdown will be caused by a combination of factors, including the polarization of the electorate, the distrust of government institutions, and the rise of executive power.

This breakdown will be a time of great uncertainty and turmoil. However, it will also be a time of great opportunity for the church and for you as a believer.

The church must be prepared, and you must be personally prepared to play a leading role in society during this time of breakdown. We must be a beacon of hope and light amid darkness. You must also be prepared to offer practical solutions to the problems that people will be facing. This will require us to be creative and innovative in our thinking. In you and from you I am bringing forth a call to action that will quell the darkness and bring forth an awakening of My Spirit that will shift history and change the trajectory and timing of the unfolding of My promise in the last days!

God is calling upon you to rise up and prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We must be united in our love for Christ and commitment to his kingdom. You must also be bold and courageous in your proclamation of the gospel. The world needs to hear the message of hope and salvation that is found in Jesus Christ.

With only a few weeks left in the year 2023, it is yet a pivotal year in the history of the world. It is a time when the old order is passing away, and a new order is emerging.

You must be prepared to play a leading role in this transition. You must be a beacon of hope and light in the midst of darkness. We must also be bold and courageous in our proclamation of the gospel.

The world needs Jesus Christ now more than ever before. Let us go forth and make disciples of all nations!

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