Breakthrough Prophetic Word for November 2019 (Video)

Breakthrough Prophetic Word 
for November 2019:
Breakthrough Word for November 2019
See Transcription Below:
The Father says today this is a season of complete debt liquidation and cancellation for you. My favor rests on your life to bring about financial release and financial freedom. The chains and fetters of lack, debt, and bondage to lenders is at an end. See the door of blessing I have placed before you. Determine that you will lay hold on the provisions of the Cross that cover even this area of your life. Resolve that you will have everything that was paid for on Calvary, leaving nothing out – not even in the area of finances and the wealth that was determined to be yours because you belong to Me, for I delight to meet your needs and to exceed them beyond your expectations.
Some speaking falsely in My name preach a message of poverty, lack, and never having enough. They have lied with their lips, and they have twisted My word to put burdens on you that they will not lift with one of their fingers. Things are right with their world when they see you struggle financially, and they tell you that prosperity is not your portion, and they tell you that it is wrong to expect a blessing by My hand in this area.
I say beloved snatch yourself away from this snare of the enemy for it is a lie from the deepest pit of hell. These teachers of foolish things want you to accept poverty while they enrich themselves with the very message that cripples My people and keeps them from receiving all that I have for them.
I say to you from the promise of My word that I became poor so that you could be rich and supplied with every good thing. Step into the open door of opportunity that I now place before you, for I will send NOW prosperity to make you a good success and empower you to walk out of the financial captivity in your life. Set yourself to come to a place of total liberation from the financial Pharaohs who would hold you in bondage. Reject the false and indecent teachings of ungodly men who presume to speak a message of lack and debt and suffering. Cleanse your mind and open your heart for this is a “believing you receive season” when all that is possible will become manifest in full supply in every way address the needs in your life and to totally set you free by My strong and mighty hand.
Make this Word Your Own – Right Now:
Now, God says press into this word and make it your own. Ask yourself what is your point of contact with this prophecy over your life? Every word from heaven comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation. I want you to go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation. Go to and plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.
By Phone or By Mail: 
You can also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie, or Georgette and they will help you. Our mailing address if you wish to mail in your donation is:
Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615
Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to the place of manifesting the substance. Your donation is your step of faith believing. Do it without hesitation. Reject the voice of doubt and embrace the overture of heaven to open this aperture of grace over your life by a willing release of your appreciation for what God is about to do.
When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. Your offering is your point of contact with the promise of God to see it come to pass. There is power in this word to TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND and move things in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.
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for prophetic ministry and to learn more about the new and expanded courses we have now made available.
God bless you!

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