Breakthrough Word for August 2020

The Father Says I am Shaking the Earth and Bringing Deliverance into Your Life!


The Father says today when the oil from the Deep Water Horizon disappeared from the Gulf of Mexico, the environmentalists who said it would be dead zone attributed it to just somehow disappearing into the sea. Carnal minds never want to admit they are wrong or that they don’t understand what is happening. My hand moves, and I show Myself strong in the earth to defend and preserve My people as I see fit regardless of what the talking heads may claim. What of the crisis of the day? The COVID crisis will dissipate not according to a successful medical initiative or any failed efforts of bickering men to take credit or lay blame. The earth is Mine, and all that is therein even the microscopic threat from across the sea. When the BP oil poisoned the Gulf, My men and women prayed, and as I healed the waters of Meribah so I healed the waters of the Gulf. Even so, I proclaim to you as you raise the PRAYER PERIMETER around the nations and peoples of the earth says God that the streets of the cities and the pollution of COVID will be cleansed and dealt with summarily by My hand. None shall take credit for it will be a breathtaking, unusual, and entire deliverance according to a miraculous chain of events.


Prophet Russ – I Receive the Impossible Made Manifest in My Life!


These things will I do, and you will not be a mere spectator, says the Father to those things that I am bringing about. I call you a participator and an initiator as the heavens open over your head and the quantum realm opens under your feet to create and to draw forth even from the quantum fields of the earth the miraculous, the unusual and the unique to establish My name and cause the nations of the earth to flow into My kingdom. Kings and potentates will come and pay respect. They will bow at your feet for they will see, and they will know that My name is IN YOU, and you are My emissary and representative to the peoples of the earth. Accept this as your portion and realize it isn’t any redeeming quality in you or disqualification that will exclude you, but it is the righteousness of the shed blood of Calvary that brings you forward and establishes you as an early adopter and a front runner in these things even in the political season that lies ahead.


What of those problems and situations that seem to loom so large over your life? Open your mouth and laugh. Laugh the laugh of faith. I am seated in the heavens, and I laugh, and you are seated in My in Christ, so LET MY LAUGH in the HEAVENS be heard on the earth and even in your circumstance. I have seen you in your troubles, and I am come down, melting the earth and causing the mountains to tremble as I bring you out of the waters of adversity even this day and set you on the high places of the earth. This IS your portion says God and your righteousness is of Me.


Prophet Russ – I am Laughing the Laugh of Faith!


Now, God says as Isaac sowed in the land in the time of famine, this is your time to sow into this word even as Isaac, and to reap the hundredfold return. Press into this word and make it your own. Make a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today will come to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation. I want you to go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation. Go to and plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life. You can also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back. Our mailing address if you wish to mail in your donation is:


Prophet Russ – I Receive My Total and Complete Deliverance Today!




Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.

Go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation.

Via Paypal -or- Via Square

To Give by Phone:


You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.


To Give by Mail:

Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden

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