You’ve Dwelt in This Wilderness LONG ENOUGH!

You’ve Dwelt in This Wilderness LONG ENOUGH!

A Prophetic Word for Today

The Lord speaks to us today, saying, “Do not expect things to continue as they are. Program your life as if tomorrow the Lord would draw you nearer, into His Shekinah glory, and nearer to reigning in His blessed kingdom.”

The Wilderness Experience

As believers, even though we are in the Kingdom of God, we are currently in a wilderness experience. Just as Israel wandered in the wilderness, so too do we journey through life in a world of chaos and shaking. In this wilderness, we are faced with challenges that test our faith and perseverance. It is a time of refinement and growth, where we must lean on God’s strength and guidance to navigate the uncertainties of life. Just as the Israelites had to rely on God for food, water, and protection in the wilderness, we, too, must trust in His provision and presence.

In the wilderness experience, in the “wilderness trip” remember that you don’t sojourn alone. Just as the Israelites traveled together as a community, we, too, need the support and encouragement of fellow believers. In times of struggle and doubt, it is our brothers and sisters in Christ who can lift us up and help us stay the course.

In the wilderness, we are confronted with the need for surrender. Nobody chooses the wilderness trip; it is forced upon us by contrary experiences and conditions. Jesus endured the contradictions he faced for the joy that was set before Him, and so must we. The Israelites had to let go of their plans and desires and trust in God’s timing and purposes. Similarly, we must surrender our own will and ego and submit to God’s sovereign will for our lives. It is in this surrender that we find true peace and fulfillment, even in the midst of the wilderness.

Ultimately, the wilderness experience is a reminder of our ultimate destination – the Promised Land. Just as the Israelites eventually reached the land flowing with milk and honey, we, too, have the hope that, at some point, things are going to be different and get better. The struggles and challenges of the wilderness are but a temporary season, leading us closer to our ultimate home in heaven.

Community, surrender, and hope. As we journey through the wilderness of life, let us cling to these themes of community, surrender, and hope. With God as our guide and fellow believers by our side, having no opinion and relinquishing the outcome, we can navigate the chaos and shaking of this world, knowing that our ultimate destination is secure in Him.

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 states, “And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.”

This wilderness experience is a time of testing and refining, where we learn to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Sometimes, the prophetic isn’t available or doesn’t help as we wish it would. This is a time to lean on the LOGOS of God’s written word. As we navigate through life’s challenges and obstacles in the wilderness, we are also confronted with the reality of our weaknesses and limitations. It is in these moments of vulnerability that we are able to cultivate humility and a greater sense of dependence on God and His word. In the wilderness, we are stripped of distractions and forced to rely solely on the sustenance that God provides. This dependence teaches us the importance of trust and faith in God’s provision, even in the midst of uncertainty and scarcity.

Furthermore, the wilderness experience offers us an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. Be still and know. Divinely imposed stillness can look like stagnation and frustrate us deeply. In the silence and solitude of the wilderness, we are able to confront our inner demons and confront the parts of ourselves that we may have been avoiding. This self-discovery can be both painful and liberating as we come face to face with our fears, doubts, and insecurities. It is in these moments of confrontation that we are able to experience growth and transformation as we learn to let go of our old ways and embrace a new way of living.

The wilderness experience is a time of preparation and refinement, where our character is tested, and our faith is deepened. It is a journey of surrender and submission as we learn to let go of our desires and agendas in order to fully embrace God’s will for our lives. In the wilderness, we are able to discover who we truly are and who we are meant to be as we learn to walk in obedience and alignment with God’s purposes. It is a challenging and sometimes painful journey, but one that ultimately leads to a deeper intimacy with God and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Importance of the Word

Just as the Israelites were fed with manna in the wilderness, we are to feast on the Word of God. Feasting on the Word of God not only nourishes our spirit but also provides guidance and direction in our lives. Just like manna sustained the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness, the Word of God sustains us in our own personal journeys. It offers us comfort in times of distress, wisdom in times of uncertainty, and hope in times of despair.

Daily manna. Just as the Israelites had to gather manna daily, we, too, must continually seek out the Word of God to sustain us. It is not enough to read the Bible occasionally or attend church sporadically. We must consistently immerse ourselves in the teachings of Scripture, allowing its transformative power to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Feasting on the Word of God also reminds us of our dependence on God. Just as the Israelites had to rely on manna for their daily sustenance, we must acknowledge our need for God’s guidance and provision in our lives. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, the Word of God offers us a moral compass to navigate the complexities of life.

Saturating ourselves in the Word of God is an act of faith and obedience. It requires us to trust in God’s promises and align our lives with His will. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and love for His people. Just as the Israelites were sustained by daily sustenance in the wilderness, we, too, can find sustenance and strength in the Word of God as we journey through life.

Matthew 4:4 tells us, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth2 out of the mouth of God.”

The Word of God is unchanging and eternal, providing sustenance and guidance for our journey. It is a source of wisdom and truth that we can turn to in times of need and uncertainty. The Word of God reminds us of our purpose and our worth in His eyes, giving us strength to face whatever challenges come our way. As we delve deeper into the scriptures, we uncover invaluable lessons about love, forgiveness, and compassion that can transform our lives and relationships. By living out the teachings found in the Word of God, we can become beacons of light in a world that is often shrouded in darkness. Let us cling to the Word of God, allowing it to shape and mold us into the people that He intended us to be.

The Rest That Remains

Despite the challenges of the wilderness, there remains a rest for the children of God. This is not a rest from physical weariness, but a rest filled with glory, power, and expectancy.

Hebrews 4:9 assures us, “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”

Passing Under the Rod

God brings us into the wilderness to pass us under the rod of correction and discipline. This is a necessary process for us to become holy unto the Lord.

Ezekiel 20:35-37 says, “And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.”

The Bond of the Covenant

God brings us into the bond of the covenant, welding us to His promises and purposes. This covenant is a blood covenant, representing the strongest possible tie. In the midst of the wilderness, God reaffirms His covenant with His people and reminds them of His faithfulness. Just as He brought the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, He has a plan and a purpose for each of us in the wilderness.

The wilderness experience is not meant to break us but to shape us and mold us into vessels fit for His use. It is a time of testing and refining, where our faith is strengthened, and our character is developed. Just as gold is refined in the fire, so are we refined in the wilderness.

In the midst of the challenges and trials of the wilderness, we can find peace and rest in the presence of God. He is our stronghold, our refuge, and our strength. As we pass under the rod of discipline and correction, we can trust in His unfailing love and faithfulness. For in the wilderness, there remains a rest for the children of God, a rest that is filled with glory, power, and expectancy.

The Unveiling of the Sons of God

God is preparing a first fruits company, a group of overcomers who will emerge from the wilderness with a powerful deliverance ministry. This will be a manifestation of the sons of God, ushering in a new era of correction and restoration.

Isaiah 35:1-2 declares, “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God.”

This passage speaks to the transformation that will take place among those who have persevered through trials and testing in the wilderness. It foreshadows a time of great rejoicing and abundance, where the glory of the Lord will be made manifest in a powerful way.

The First Fruits Company will not only bring deliverance to those in need, but they will also bring correction and restoration to the body of Christ as a whole. They will operate in a level of authority and power that has not been seen before, as they are truly walking in the fullness of their identity as sons of God.

Believers need to be prepared for this new time of correction and restoration when it comes. We must be willing to embrace the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, allowing Him to refine us and shape us into vessels that can be used for His glory. We must also be open to receiving correction from those who are operating in this first fruits anointing, understanding that it is for our growth and edification.  As we look forward to these times in our lives, let us press into God and seek His face like never before. Let us prepare our hearts to receive and walk in the fullness of our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High. And let us rejoice in the knowledge that God is preparing a remnant who will bring forth His glory in a powerful and transformative way.

Reflection and Review

You are Not Alone: God is with us, providing for our needs and guiding our steps. We must remain steadfast in our faith, feeding on the Word of God and submitting to His discipline. As we do so, we will emerge from the wilderness as a powerful force for His Kingdom. Embrace the grace that leads to perseverance. Just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before reaching the Promised Land, we also may face trials and challenges on our own journey. We must stay committed to our faith and trust in God’s plan, even when the path seems uncertain or difficult. It is through perseverance that we grow stronger in our spiritual walk and become better equipped to fulfill our purpose in His Kingdom.

Daily Manna: In the wilderness, the Israelites had to rely on God for their daily provision of manna and water. Similarly, we must recognize our need for God’s guidance and sustenance in our own lives. When we surrender control and trust in His faithfulness, we will find that He is always faithful to provide for our needs and lead us in the right direction. Our dependence on God strengthens our relationship with Him and allows us to experience His power working in and through us.

Transformation: The wilderness can be a place of testing and refinement, where our character is shaped and molded by God. As we embrace the challenges and trials that come our way, we have the opportunity to grow in maturity and spiritual strength. Just as the Israelites emerged from the wilderness as a united and obedient people, we too can be transformed into powerful ambassadors for Christ, ready to fulfill His purposes and spread His gospel to the ends of the earth.

In conclusion, the journey through the wilderness is not easy, but it is a necessary part of our spiritual growth and development. As we persevere, depend on God, and allow Him to transform us, we will emerge from the wilderness as a powerful force for His Kingdom, ready to impact the world for Christ’s glory. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Him, knowing that He is with us every step of the way, guiding and empowering us to fulfill His calling on our lives.

Call to Action

  • Embrace the wilderness experience as a time of growth and preparation.
  • Feast on the Word of God daily, allowing it to transform your life.
  • Seek the rest that remains for the people of God.
  • Submit to the rod of correction, allowing God to purify your heart.
  • Walk in the bond of the covenant, trusting in God’s promises.

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