The Father says today, I am walking through the generations of your life and your bloodline. I am cleansing the bloodlines of your life from this day back to Adam. Every transgression and every torment that has affected you in any way from time immemorial is now lifting and being diffused and dispensed. The tormenting work of the enemy against you will no longer be effective. Your sleep will now be undisturbed, says the Father. Your body will no longer be wracked with pain that the doctors are stymied and unable to diagnose. I am grafting you into the bloodlines of heaven that the bloodlines of flesh will no longer limit you.
Your life will not be canceled, curtailed or cut short, says the Father. Wasted time and wasted life are being restored to you. Open your mouth and say, “I receive it…” Bitterness, resentment, and absence of joy are leaving, and fullness of joy and jubilant rejoicing are now yours where depression and anxiety once reigned. Receive the full measure of My goodness in your life, says the Father. Allow repentance to come as besetting sins, habits, and captivating attitudes are exposed. You are not a victim. You are a victor. You are the beloved child of a Loving Heavenly Father. You are not a bastard. You are not illegitimate. You are Mine and I am yours. We are one, and healing is now your portion.
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Bonnie says:
You wouldn’t believe how bang-up this word was. I literally came back from a trip to where my Dad was brought up and we were talking about past generations. Amazing. God is good, I’m so appreciative to have been blessed by this.
ReGina says:
Hallelujah 🙌 in agreement 🙏👏
Dyer says:
Bernard La Chance says:
I receive it, in jesus name.Amen&Amen
Our Cake Shop says:
Yes and Amen
Israel Moussa says:
Praise the Lord, Jehovah ABBA !
Frances McHenry says:
Thank you Father, I receive it in Jesus’s name! Glory, Glory, Father have your way,Amen!
lucia says:
Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I receive it Hallelujah!
Joseph Mulwa says:
Amen I receive the abundant life in Jesus name. Thank you for forgiving my sin and for release of blessing in Jesus name.Glory to Jehovah God,Hallelujah.
Moira Shole says:
Amen I receive it in Jesus name.
David. says:
Amen,Thank you Father for what you are doing in my life,the walls of Jericho must fall down flat,take all the glory Jehovah.