You Have an Oracle of God in Your Heart! (Video)

speak-oracle-god-prayx300The Oracle of God Constitutes the URIM and THUMMIM of God’s Revelation in Your Life:
The high priest in the Old Testament carried in his breastplate two sacred stones known as the oracle of God. When decisions needed to be made the URIM and the THUMMIM were consulted and God always showed up!

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  • Bronwyn says:

    I got it!! As a gen xer, i struggled all my life with the oracle within and the oracle without. I tried to understand what it all meant when The Lord spoke to me about this a long time ago. Last night, I listened to this message and then I listened to it again and then suddenly…everything fell into place, it all began to make sense and I understood for the very first time who I was and what God had called me to be. I simply got it! The Lord Jesus turned up and I felt His presence as He laughed with me at my happiness and relief as the confusion in my heart and mind simply melted away.He encouraged me to be myself in Him. And whats more, its ok, it really is ok to be free in Him and even if I make a mistake, He will fix it cause my heart is right. No more fear, no more doubt, no more trying to figure it all out and be what everyone else thinks I should be. I am me with my own gifts and calling, I am not decieved or bound or rebellious or evil. I just have an oracle within my heart to be free and to be all that my Loving Father has called me to be. The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! Love your sense of humour Russ, it settled my spirit and made me smile, opening my heart to truth without condemnation. You dont know or fully comprehend yet, how your obedience to The Lord and that of Kitty, has set so many captives free, but you will someday. The Lord Bless you in everything you do and everywhere you go, far and beyond anything you and Kitty can ever imagine. I have watched only two videos, one from Kitty and now one from you and because of the teachings in both, I was able to hear the heart of the Father , understand it, and now…I am free.

  • Deborah Osborne says:

    This was an amazing message. I have viewed it and will review it. May God continue to bless you both as you serve Him. All praise and honor be given to God. Thank you for your self less service.

  • Alanda Harding says:

    Thank you Russ I have learned so much from your teachings. If only the churches would teach us the truths of our walk with God we could move any mountian. This so blessed me and give me great understanding Thank You and Bless you and Kitty .

  • Mustang says:

    Thank you for this message. I liked the fact that you stressed that we had to hear God for ourselves – that each of us are truly independent in Him – the Oracle Within. The Oracle Without serves as a confirmation to what we have already heard from the Oracle Within. Thanks again. The audio quality was clear, and your sense of humor was pithy. I enjoyed it.