You Are A New Creation in Christ!

I am God in the midst of you, says the Father. You are tabernacling within Me in your earthly sojourn. You are walking with Me in the heavens, and I am walking within you upon the earth. I am making you known in the heavenlies, and you are commissioned to make Me known upon the earth. I am your only power, says the Father. You will not fear what man can do to you, for you are not a mere man – you are a new creation in Christ – created for rule, jurisdiction, and the full authority of My kingdom.

Prophet Russ – I Am A New Creation in Christ Jesus, the Old is Gone and the New is Come!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

So, do not fear man. Do not fear mortal conditions, circumstances or situations. Look not at visible things and tremble – look at the invisible things of My Spirit and Kingdom, and rejoice knowing that your victory is assured. This is the knowledge of the truth that makes you free. Would you be free, says the Father? Would you be independent of situations and limiting conditions of life? Then set your focus and your attention upon Me, and I will cause you to ascend into your portion and placement in My kingdom.

Prophet Russ – I Draw Myself Away with the Father and Self-Focus is Swallowed by His Life!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Allow self-consciousness in your life to be eclipsed by God-consciousness. The first couple did not know they were naked until self-consciousness came alive through sin. Sin is self-focus, self-deception, and self-referral. Cast aside the illusory distractions of self, and the dictates and demands of self-centered appetites and requirements. There is ONE requirement, says the Father, that you draw yourself away with Me, and allow self-focus to slip away, and become swallowed up in the life that I Am on the inside of you.

Self-referral amounts to a consciousness of limitation, lack, sorrow, and pain. Make the turn away from yourself, and be poured out to My purpose and My plan for your life. Give yourself away with abandon, knowing that I Am the river filling and flooding with so much of My Spirit, that you cannot be diminished in any way. Be a vessel poured out, says the Father. You are not pouring out of a finite supply of time, patience, and this world’s goods. You are a conduit of heaven’s best, and you will never run dry of that which you give out of yourself, in My name.

Prophet Russ – I Give Myself Away in Abandon as a Vessel Poured Out to the Father, This Day!

Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word

Listen – responding to the word IN THE MOMENT is something Kim Clement taught us. Act now – and sow into this word. Sow bountifully. Sow according to what you need and want God to do in your situation. This is your time – make a move! What is the dimension of your seed? What do you need? Let the extent of the seed you sow reflect the dimension of what you believe for financially. God told us once, “If you have faith to give $10,000, you have faith to receive $1,000,000! Wow! That statement will locate you, won’t it! What you have faith to give – determines what you have faith to receive. Be a receiver in your giving today of the radical return. Radical giving produces radical results back into your life!

The Blessings and Anointing on FHM are Mine NOW as I Partner and Pledge a Monthly Donation!

Now – take a step of faith and to go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.

ANNOUNCEMENT! We Now Have Text to Give:

Text the word PROPHET to 44321
other sowing options:

Cash App: $Propheticnow | Zelle (to "")
(If you use one of these two options please send us your e-mail and
donation amount to so we can properly credit your gift. Thanks)

Go to and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation.

Via Paypal -or- Via Square

To Give by Phone:

You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.

To Give by Mail:
Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophet Russ Walden

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