Gifts of the Spirit: A Biblical Foundation for a Spirit-Empowered Church

Embracing the Holy Spirit’s Power

In a world grappling with doubt and spiritual apathy, the Church faces a critical juncture: will we embrace the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power, or will fear and misunderstanding keep us from experiencing the transformative gifts God has given us? This article delves into the heart of this issue, examining the historical and present-day challenges that have led to a hesitancy in embracing the gifts of the Spirit. We will explore the biblical foundation for these gifts, their purpose in the life of the believer and the Church, and how we can move past fear to walk in the fullness of God’s plan.


The church today is often plagued by doctrinal controversies and excesses, leading to a fear of the operation of the Holy Spirit’s gifts. Yet, as believers, we are called to embrace the fullness of the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit. We must step out in faith, allowing the Holy Spirit to move through us for the edification of the Body of Christ.As we embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in the church, we must also remember the importance of humility and submission to God’s will. The Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways and may call us to step out of our comfort zones or challenge our preconceived notions. It is essential that we remain open and receptive to the leading of the Spirit, trusting that God’s plans are higher than our own.

Furthermore, as we operate in the gifts of the Spirit, we must always remember the importance of love. The Apostle Paul emphasizes in 1 Corinthians 13 that without love, the gifts of the Spirit are meaningless. Love must be the foundation of all our actions and interactions within the body of Christ. When we operate in love, we demonstrate the transformative power of the Gospel and draw others closer to God.

In addition to love, we must also cultivate a spirit of unity within the church. The body of Christ is diverse, with each member bringing unique gifts and perspectives. It is essential that we work together in harmony, recognizing and valuing the contributions of each individual. When we embrace unity, we create a powerful witness to the world of God’s love and grace.

As believers, we are called to embrace the fullness of the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit. We must step out in faith, allowing the Holy Spirit to move through us for the edification of the Body of Christ. Let us walk in humility, love, and unity, trusting in God’s plan and His guidance as we seek to fulfill His purposes on earth.

Fear and Inaction

Many Christians have become hesitant to operate in the gifts of the Spirit due to fear of making mistakes or appearing “unspiritual.” However, the Apostle Paul exhorts us to “stir up the gift of God which is in thee” (2 Timothy 1:6 KJV). We are called to exercise our gifts not out of pride or showmanship, but in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

As a young man, I witnessed preachers speaking out against those who operated in the gifts, labeling them as “wildfire” or “in the flesh.” This created a fear in the hearts of believers, causing them to withdraw from using their gifts. As a result, the gifts of the Spirit began to cease in many churches.

However, everything we do in the Spirit is an act of faith. We must step out in faith, trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide and empower us. It is better to make honest mistakes than to remain inactive and quench the Spirit’s work.When we operate in the gifts of the Spirit, we are not only following Paul’s command but also aligning ourselves with God’s will for our lives. The gifts of the Spirit are given to us for the common good, for building up the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7). By using our gifts, we contribute to the growth and edification of the Church.

Furthermore, the gifts of the Spirit are not just for the benefit of others, but for our own spiritual growth as well. When we step out in faith and exercise our gifts, we are sharpening our ability to hear and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are also deepening our intimacy with God as we partner with Him in His work.

It is important to remember that the gifts of the Spirit are not about us, but about God and His kingdom. We must humble ourselves and submit to the Spirit’s leading, acknowledging that it is not by our own power or wisdom that we operate in the gifts, but by the grace of God. As we walk in obedience and faith, God will use us to bring about His purposes on earth.

Let us not allow fear or false teachings to hinder us from operating in the gifts of the Spirit. Let us instead embrace the gifts that God has given us and step out in faith, trusting in His guidance and empowerment. By doing so, we will be fulfilling our calling as believers and actively participating in the work of the Kingdom.

The Need for Fresh Anointing

The church today needs a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit, just as the early church did in Acts chapter four. In a time of fear and uncertainty, they gathered together and prayed for the Holy Spirit to empower them to do the works of Jesus. When they prayed, “the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31 KJV).

Like the early church, we must seek the face of God and pray for a fresh anointing. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the gifts will naturally flow out of that abundance. The Holy Spirit empowers us not only to speak the word of God with boldness but also to love sacrificially, to serve others selflessly, and to walk in obedience to God’s will. As we seek a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit, we should also be open to the ways in which He may be leading us to step out in faith and take action in our communities.

In Acts chapter four, the early church experienced unity, power, and boldness as a result of their dependence on the Holy Spirit. Today, the church can experience this same unity and power when we come together in prayer, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction. This fresh touch from the Holy Spirit can lead to transformation in our lives, in our communities, and in the world around us.

Ultimately, the work of the Holy Spirit is not just for our own benefit but for the expansion of God’s kingdom. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to do His work, we are called to go out and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Let us seek a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit, not only for our own spiritual growth but also for the advancement of God’s kingdom and the glorification of His name.

The Gifts of the Spirit for Edification

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for our personal gain or recognition but for the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul writes, “Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy” (1 Corinthians 14:1 KJV). The gifts of prophecy, tongues, interpretation, and others are meant for edification, exhortation, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3 KJV).

We cannot allow the enemy to intimidate us through fear. We have a responsibility to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit and use our gifts for the benefit of others. You may be the key to setting someone free, providing encouragement, or bringing comfort to those in need.As we navigate through our lives and encounter various situations, it is important to remember that we are vessels of the Holy Spirit, equipped with unique gifts to serve others. It is easy to get caught up in seeking recognition or validation for our talents, but we must always remind ourselves that these gifts are not about us, but about glorifying God and serving His purpose.

When we operate in our gifts with the right intention, we can bring about transformation and change in the lives of those around us. Whether it be through a word of prophecy that brings clarity to someone’s situation, or speaking in tongues that edifies the spirit, our gifts have the power to impact others in a profound way.

It is also important to remember that we are all interconnected as members of the Body of Christ. Just as every part of the body has a specific function, so too do our spiritual gifts serve a specific purpose in building up the church. When we work together in unity, utilizing our gifts for the greater good, we can bring about a powerful manifestation of God’s love and grace in the world.

So let us not be afraid to step out in faith and use our gifts for the glory of God. Let us be bold in our actions, knowing that we have been equipped with everything we need to fulfill our divine purpose. And let us always remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not just for our own benefit, but for the benefit of the entire Body of Christ.

Embracing Our Pentecostal Identity

As Pentecostal/Charismatics, we are not merely evangelical or fundamental believers; we are Spirit-filled believers. The Book of Acts was written to encourage us to “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37 KJV). The supernatural works and gifts of the Holy Spirit are not just historical events; they are meant to be a present reality in our lives.

It is time for us to break free from the chains of tradition and routine. Let us seek the face of God with renewed fervor and allow the Holy Spirit to move freely in our midst. May our churches be known for their vibrant worship, the operation of the gifts, and the demonstration of God’s power.

We must also remember that being Spirit-filled believers does not exempt us from facing challenges and difficulties in life. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and guide, but we must also be willing to surrender our will to His leading. This requires a daily commitment to prayer, studying the Word, and seeking after spiritual growth.

Furthermore, as Spirit-filled believers, we must remember the importance of unity within the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit brings us together as one, regardless of our differences in background, culture, or denomination. We are called to love one another, support each other, and build each other up in the faith.

We must not forget the call to share the gospel with those who have not yet experienced the power and love of God. The Book of Acts shows us how the early church boldly proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ, leading many to salvation. As Spirit-filled believers, we are called to continue this mission, spreading the message of hope and redemption to all corners of the earth.

Being Spirit-filled believers is not just a label we carry; it is a way of life. Let us embrace this identity, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through us, transforming us into bold witnesses for Christ. Let us continue to seek after God’s presence, unity within the body of Christ, and the proclamation of the gospel to all nations. May we truly embody the mission and power of the early church, as recorded in the Book of Acts.

Stir Up the Gift in You

I urge you, brothers and sisters, to stir up the gift within you. Do not allow fear or indifference to hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the church. Step out in faith, open your hearts to the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, and watch as God does amazing things through you. Let us be a people who are filled with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and empowered by the Spirit to bring healing and restoration to the total man. As we embrace the power of the Holy Spirit, let us also remember to seek wisdom and discernment. The gift of the Spirit is not just for dramatic displays of miracles and signs, but for everyday guidance and decision-making. We need the Spirit to lead us in our relationships, our work, our ministries, and every aspect of our lives.

Furthermore, let us not forget the important theme of unity in the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit does not work in isolation, but through the collective efforts of believers who are united in purpose and love. When we allow the Spirit to move among us, we can overcome division, pride, and selfishness, and truly become the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

Lastly, let us not neglect the call to stewardship and service. The gifts of the Spirit are given to us for a reason – to edify the church and reach out to the lost. We must be faithful stewards of these gifts, using them for the glory of God and the building up of His kingdom. Let us not bury our talents out of fear or complacency, but rather invest them wisely and generously in the work of the Lord.

Let us be a people who are bold, wise, united, and faithful in the power of the Holy Spirit. May we stir up the gift within us and allow God to work miracles through us for His glory and the advancement of His kingdom. Amen.

In closing, let us remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not relics of a bygone era, but a living, breathing reality meant to empower and equip the Church today. Embracing these gifts is not a matter of chasing spectacle, but of walking in obedience and surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s transformative work within us.

  • A Call to Boldness: Let us cast off the shackles of fear and hesitancy, stepping out in faith to experience the fullness of the Spirit’s power.
  • A Call to Discernment: Let us seek wisdom and understanding, learning to discern the genuine gifts of the Spirit from counterfeit manifestations.
  • A Call to Unity: Let us foster an atmosphere of love and support, encouraging one another as we explore and exercise these gifts together.
  • A Call to Mission: Let us allow the gifts of the Spirit to propel us outward, using them to serve others, share the gospel, and build up the body of Christ.

As we move forward, may we be a Church that boldly embraces the gifts of the Holy Spirit, not for our own glory, but for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the transformation of the world around us.

Let us pray: Holy Spirit, fill us afresh with your fire. Ignite within us a passion for your gifts, a hunger for your power, and a willingness to be used for your glory. Empower us to walk in the fullness of all that you have for us, so that we may be a Church that shines brightly with your light and love.

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Note: Based on a transcript of a message by my natural and spiritual father, Roy Walden, Sr. 



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