When the Raw Power of God Touches Your Life – A Call to Usefulness in the Kingdom

In life, the true strength and magnitude of God’s power is determined by how willing we are to obey his commands. Conversely, if our ambitions are not in line with God’s will, the incredible power he has bestowed upon us can become a source of scandal and corruption.

In many ways, the relationship between God and man is largely one of obedience. Humans constantly seek direction and guidance in our lives, and who better to turn to than Jesus? By following God’s commands and living a life of righteousness, we draw closer to him and gain access to more of his incredible power. However, as with any relationship, straying from the path is always dangerous. If we allow our ambitions to dictate our actions rather than seeking God’s will, we can quickly find ourselves on the wrong side of his power. When our desires are not aligned with his, the same strength and authority that could have been used for good can quickly become a source of scandal and destruction.

This is a theme that is echoed throughout history, particularly in the Bible. Time and time again, we see examples of individuals who let their own desires overrule their obedience to God. In some cases, this led to their downfall, while in others, it caused them to use the power they had been given for evil.

For example, consider the story of King Saul in the Old Testament. When he first became king, he was chosen by God and anointed with incredible power. However, as time passed, he began to allow his ambitions to take over rather than seek God’s guidance. This eventually led him to disobey God’s commands and use his power for his own agenda rather than that of God. As a result, his reign as king was cut short, and his legacy was tarnished.

Similarly, in the New Testament, we see the story of Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples. Judas was given the incredible responsibility of being one of the chosen few who would help spread Jesus’ message to the world. However, his own selfish desires led him to betray Jesus, leading to his eventual crucifixion. Judas’ betrayal not only damaged Jesus’ message but also tarnished the reputation of his fellow disciples.

These stories illustrate just how important obedience is in our relationship with God. When we align our actions with his will, we not only draw closer to him, but we also gain access to more of his power. However, when we let our own ambitions take over, we run the risk of using that power for our own gain rather than that of God’s.

Ultimately, the choice between obedience and ambition comes down to a fundamental question: who do we trust more, ourselves or God? If we truly believe that God has our best interests at heart and that his plans for us are better than our own, then obedience becomes the only logical choice. By trusting in him, we not only legitimize the raw power of his influence in our lives but also avoid the scandalized pitfalls of unsanctified ambition.

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Other Comments

  • Brenda Joyce Maharaj says:

    This word was very very helpful and encouraging.
    Thank you Prophet Russ.

  • Moira Shole says:

    I here you Prophet, I do not even have ambition, I was doing for monutization. By the was I have been a breadwinner all my marriage life . I am doing it to be paid . But it it is not anointed and scandalous then I will have to do a uturn. Every breadwinner would do it.