What are You Thankful For?

It is always TIME to be thankful but this is that special season to do so. Use the comment feature below and tell us: what are you thankful for. Be specific if possible (what has happened this year you are particularly thankful for?) What about the people in your life? Things God has done for you? Worries and fears that never materialized? What has the Father done for you that just sends your heart up like a rocket exploding with thanks and gratitude? Thanks for participating.

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  • Blessings to all, I’m thankful for so many things He has done for me. Theres not enough words to even Thank Him . My Abba has given me more love and understanding of who He really is in my life . Before He came into my life I didn’t know what being Loved was like. But when He came into my life I know what true love is NOW and I never want to ever be without Him . Because with out him there is on life . Bless you ABBA, and Bless all those that you have put in my life even my enemies. I decree a Blessed Thanks Giving to All !!!!!!!

  • Love from The Father Son Holy Spirit.
    My Wife Valinda.
    Knowing prophetic friends R&K.
    Receiving Grace from the God snd Father.

  • Jeremy Murray says:

    First and foremost I’m thankful that God sent his Son to save me from the pit of hell and giving me the free gift of eternal life. I thank him for having good health, finances, a loving family & friends like Russell & Kitty who spoke so much encourgement from the Father’s throne what a blessing the words from the prophets are right on. They hear straight from heaven it’s powerful and full of love & hope. Thanks to you both God Bless!!!

  • tony Bourke says:

    Thank you Pappa for having me walk less after my flesh and more in the Spirit Thank you Pappa though I am not fully there or I’m not sure if someone gets fully fully there there is loads of room left for improvement I prayed for a young man last night his shoulder was causing trouble and the pain was removed thank you Jesus Jesus Som much to be greatful famiy friends also thank you Pappa for pening my eyes regarding the Catholic Church Thank you Jesus

  • Leisa Coburn says:

    I am greatful for having a job as long as I did considering many did not have one at all. I did get let go in October, but I am greatful for the income as long as I did have it. I am greatful and thanking God that when we suddenly got a termination of tenancy for no reason given (never once been late on rent) and giving us 6 weeks, we inquired of the Lord and He gave instructions in which my husband followed those instructions and we were given until June. So instead of 6 weeks we were given 8 months more! Russ had given a prophetic word that he saw my husband and I moving East–NorthEast. He said he didn’t know if it was 6 months or 2.5 years or 6 months(the 6 month’s caught my spiritual ears because Russ repeated it). That was 4 month’s ago. Just 3 weeks ago my husbands company asked if he would be interested in Muscatine, Iowa which is Northeast where we are at now(Southern CA). We have been away from our families for over 30 years and feel a calling to be close to them for a time at least. This would put us 70 miles from mothers, fathers, and several other’s. We have also been so burdened with 2200.00 a month for rent and Muscatine would be so much less of a burden that way. My husband got a call and spoke to the hiring man w/in husband’s company and it looks like he could have a great chance at getting this transfer. Transfer would mean we would be reimbursed for moving expenses! One thing stands in the way and that is a woman who has worked in that postion for 17 years but they are offering her a different position leaving the buyer position open for my husband. So we are thanking God ahead of time for this woman to move into her new position that would be a blessing to her and in turn open the way for us to move! These are just a few things I am thankful for but mostly thankful for how good and kind and merciful the Lord is to me AND that He and I are the best of friends. BFF’S forever!

  • Geri Mee says:

    I am so incredibly grateful to God for protecting my amazing family this year, particularly when doctors claimed my lovely daughter Claire had a 60/40 chance of having Lupus and when Claire and I stood in faith, trusted God He showed up as her results turned out to be all clear! Also, Claire recieved salvation this year! Iam grateful to Father God for bringing us all closer to knowing Him and I am grateful to God for you guys and your encouragement. I am incredibly grateful to God for being my Daddy and for Salvation and for the honour of being hidden in Christ. I thank God for being alive and healthy and for our future as well. I thank God for the love and mercy He pours out. I am so grateful to God for being able to hear from Him and for the new level of knowing how to rest in Him. Thank God . God Bless.xxxxxxxxxx Geri