Walking in Love and Overcoming the Spirit of the Age

Are you freaked out by what people are doing around you or on the world stage? Often, we find ourselves surprised, agitated, and even freaked out by the behavior of sinners. However, it is essential to acknowledge that sinners, lacking a revelation of grace, are naturally inclined towards sinful actions. They are just doing what comes naturally in a human being’s life when they are outside of Christ. Just as fish swim and birds fly, sinners will engage in swearing, drunkenness, promiscuity, shrewdness, and lies. Rather than adopting a self-righteous attitude, we should embrace the truth that our salvation comes solely by God’s grace. Let us break free from an unhelpful religious mindset and focus on our mission: to minister reconciliation and walk in love.

Understanding the Human Condition: To reach out to others in faith effectively, we must first identify with their experiences and struggles. Christ serves as our ultimate example in this regard. He, who did not seek equality with God, humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant, becoming one with mankind (Philippians 2). By understanding and empathizing with where people are at, we can begin to extend our love, compassion, and faith to them.

Breaking free from Judgement: It is crucial to remind ourselves that we have not been commissioned to judge others. Instead, our mission is to offer reconciliation and demonstrate the love of Christ. We should strive to eradicate any remnants of a pharisaic attitude, recognizing that it inhibits our ability to minister effectively. Let us focus on walking in love and extending grace to those around us.

The Power of Identification: Identifying with people’s experiences, struggles, and emotions is the key to building meaningful connections. By acknowledging that others may be at different stages in their spiritual journey and extending empathy toward their challenges, we can create a safe space for them to encounter the love of God. Identification opens the door for genuine and transformative relationships.

Reaching Out in Faith: As Christians, our ultimate goal is to reach out to others with the transformative power of faith. By truly understanding where people are coming from, we can tailor our message of hope to their specific needs. By identifying with their struggles, we can bridge the gap between their reality and the truth of God’s love and salvation.

Conclusion: Walking in love and overcoming the spirit of the age requires a shift in mindset. Instead of being surprised, agitated, or freaked out by the actions of sinners, we should embrace the truth of our own salvation by grace. Let us break free from judgment and focus on ministering reconciliation through identification. By reaching out in faith, we can build authentic connections and bring others closer to the transformative power of God’s love. Never forget – love never fails. If you hate failure (and I do) why would you ever step out of love? 


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  • Thank you for reminding me that it is by God’s goodness and grace that I stand in the covenant with His Son. I myself can do nothing that would ever gain me a higher standing than anyone else. I must continually remind my self. That I can never pass judgement on any one else. If I choose to do this I am in danger of being judged by my actions. God is love and so I must love with God’s love. Amen.