This Nation Will Not Be Turned Over to the Devil

A prophetic word given 0n January 31st, 1999 at Roaring Creek, Virginia by Pastor Clye J. Avery:
The Lord says do not let this slip from you. This nation will not be turned over to the devil. Start claiming this nation. I the Lord God am moving on the face of the earth. I the Lord God am moving by My spirit across the land. As My great river that flows down near the center of the nation bringing many streams together, so My river is flowing. Take note and hear what I say. In the state of Missouri I have twelve assemblies that I am a burning fire within.
Lightning will flash out of Missouri. As My great river flows I will flow out of Missouri into Many states. I have chosen the center part of this nation to move out of. This spiritual water shall flow out into many states that have their natural streams and rivers draining into My great river. I have a move even now in fourteen states. I will show forth My power in Missouri. Out of the shadows I will raise up a leader that will lead this nation in righteousness. As My spiritual river flows out of Missouri as of Me for your state and county.

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