I Am raising up in your life, the Tabernacle of David that is fallen down, says the Father. In your hand this day, I place the Key of David that you might enter in and thrive where others have presumed and fallen away. This is all about allowances and concessions to those with a heart after My heart and a soul that pants for My courts at all times. I see your hunger says God, and I hear the cry of your heart. The breaches in your boundaries whereby the enemy has invaded your land are being walled up once again, and there is a rebuilding process of restored destiny that is yours for the taking on the occasion of your faith. Edom is conquered, says the Father. Esau – the Esau spirit that sells its birthright for a bowl of beans I Am bringing to heel before you that the way which was obstructed by sinful flesh is now an open portal to outpoured glory in your life and situation.
Prophet Russ – My Heart and Soul Pants After God’s Courts At All Times and I Step into Glory!
Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word
This is the season when the plowman overtakes the reaper, so I say to you MAKE HASTE and get your seed in the soil, for I will cause the seeds that you sow to PRODUCE A HARVEST EVEN BEFORE THEY HIT THE GROUND! The days are coming, and the day is now that the juice of the vintage of My Spirit is dripping in springs of refreshment and joy that you have longed for but never known. This is the time of restoration. I speak restoration over your life. The angels assigned to your habitation are working with mortar and trowel in one hand and the flaming sword of My faithfulness in the other to bring about a hope and an expected end that you had nearly given up on. Despair not, says God. Fear not! Let boldness and audacity govern your heart as you go out to take the spoil and reclaim the territory in My kingdom that was accorded you before the earth’s foundations were laid. This is your portion and your righteousness is of Me.
Prophet Russ – I Make Haste to Sow My Seed and Expect Harvest Before it Hits the Ground!
Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word
The proclamation of the King is over your life and your situation this day, says the Father. Peace is your portion. Prosperity is your inheritance. There is no poverty in My kingdom; therefore, deprivation and want have no place in your circumstance. Receive by the gift of faith the full measure of all that Calvary affords you. In the word of the king, there is power, and it is My dunamis power flowing over you to overwhelm the one who has been overwhelming you. Your testimony and report will no longer be “I am overwhelmed by the enemy…” but “I am overwhelmed by the goodness, the favor, and the provisioning of a loving God!” Kindness and truth collaborate together over you this day. Justice and peace kiss each other, and vindication from the accuser of your soul is established even now.
Prophet Russ – I Am Overwhelmed by the Favor Goodness, and Provision of My Loving God!
Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word
The truth says God, always outlives the lie. The false always gives way to the authentic. Believe the good report. The doom and gloomers have seen some things, but what is that to you when you realize you are seated with Me in heavenly places FAR above all that the enemy might bring against you? Make it your determination never to confuse mere FACTS with the TRUTH of the Gospel that sets you free. I Am the way, the truth, and the life! Say of your soul, “My truth is a person, and His name is Jesus!” At that decree, loss, grief, anguish bow the knee, for every knee will bow, and every tongue confesses My lordship in your life and your circumstance. That which is earthly is fading away and losing its power over you, and that which is of the heavenly is emerging and standing in the ascendancy to bring you as though in a moment into the fulness of My destined purpose for your life, says God!
Prophet Russ – The Earthly is Fading Away and the Heavenly is Emerging in Ascendancy Today!
Text PROPHET to 44321 and Sow Your Faith into This Word
Listen – responding to the word IN THE MOMENT is something Kim Clement taught us. Act now – and sow into this word. Sow bountifully. Sow according to what you need and want God to do in your situation. This is your time – make a move! What is the dimension of your seed? What do you need? Let the extent of the seed you sow reflect the dimension of what you believe for financially. God told us once, “If you have faith to give $10,000, you have faith to receive $1,000,000! Wow! That statement will locate you, won’t it! What you have faith to give – determines what you have faith to receive. Be a receiver in your giving today of the radical return. Radical giving produces radical results back into your life!
Prophet Russ Walden
Now – take a step of faith and to go to www.fathersheartministry.net and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation. Plant a sacrificial seed into what God does next in your life.
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Text the word PROPHET to 44321
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Go to www.fathersheartministry.net and sow into this
breakthrough word for your situation.
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To Give by Phone:
You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.
To Give by Mail:
Father’s Heart Ministry, P.O. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814
Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.
Prophet Russ Walden
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