The Season of Waiting: Embracing Preparation and Healing

Jesus said, “Behold, I come quickly,” and guess what? It’s been over 2000 years. The writer of Hebrews (possibly Priscilla), encourages us:

[Heb 4:16 KJV] 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

The Lord says you are in a time of learning and growth in My kingdom. As you look forward and delve into the forthcoming prophecies about God’s move in the coming year, excitement and trepidation crop up on every hand, depending on whether a certain prophet is a glass-half-full prophet or a glass-half-empty prophet. It’s true, the doom and gloomers can and have accurately predicted and seen what’s coming, but that isn’t all the story. Joel told us the days would be days of darkness and gloomer or AS MORNING SPREAD on the mountain. People mighty wonder where I stand. I am a dyed-in-the-wool “Morning Spread on the Mountains” kind of guy. We have heard various voices calling this year and the year ahead (2024), the year of God’s favor, while others have mentioned it as a year of God’s judgment. Amidst these prophecies, God is calling His people to prepare themselves, walk closely with Him, and expect a mighty move of His Spirit. While waiting for God’s confirmation and open doors, I have realized that waiting can be frustrating at times. However, God has reminded me of the lessons we can learn from those who have come before us.

Lessons from Those Who Waited:

I am reminded of Abraham and Sarai, who couldn’t wait for God’s timing and acted on their own understanding. Their impatience led to the birth of Ishmael, and they had to bear the consequences of their actions. Similarly, Saul couldn’t wait for Samuel and took matters into his own hands, losing his anointing and his kingdom in the process. On the other hand, Elijah faithfully waited upon the Lord, enduring until the clouds appeared. The disciples of Jesus also waited patiently for the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, resulting in powerful manifestations. Joseph, despite enduring pain and disappointments, waited faithfully and received great promotion from God.

Discovering God’s Teachings in Waiting:

What is the Lord trying to teach us in this season of waiting? I believe it’s about putting our house in order, particularly in our relationships. The Lord has impressed upon my heart that prioritizing our relationships is crucial because it involves closing spiritual doorways from the past. Many of us have experienced deep hurts and disappointments, often from our own families or people we once had close relationships with. In response, we may have chosen to cut off communication and distance ourselves from them to find peace. However, God is reminding us that during this season of waiting and preparation, He wants us to address and close these doors for our future well-being and spiritual growth.

Closing Past Doorways:

To close these doorways, we need to reach out to those who have caused us pain and forgive them. We must speak forgiveness and affirm our love to them. This act of closure is not dependent on their response but on our obedience to what God has asked of us. This process can also involve reaching out emotionally and spiritually to those we cannot physically contact. The confirming words of Luke 1:17 remind us of the importance of turning the hearts of parents to their children and seeking reconciliation. It is a call to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Embracing Internal Healing:

Another aspect God will work on during this waiting season is our internal healing. Many of us may need to go through times of deliverance, and the Lord will guide each one of us individually. Some may undergo this journey alone with the Lord, while others may be led to seek support from individuals or places that specialize in healing and deliverance. As we surrender to this process, we will gradually shed the emotional baggage and burdens that weigh us down. The vision of a man in the desert divesting himself of unnecessary items is a reminder that following God’s guidance leads to a lighter load and a freer journey.

God’s Assurance and Call to Obedience:

God reassures us that He is our sufficiency and the one who helps us unload past baggage. He promises to provide for our future and guide us on the unique path before us. Though the journey may seem unfamiliar and challenging, God urges us not to be afraid but to draw near to Him. He orders our steps and promises that our obedience during this season of waiting will be greatly rewarded.


As I share these insights with you, I pray that they serve as a confirmation from the Lord in your own waiting season. If you resonate with these messages, make a choice to learn from your experiences. Let us embrace this season of waiting, understanding its purpose: to prepare ourselves, close past doorways, embrace healing, and obediently follow where the Lord leads. May we find solace in knowing that our journey is guided by a loving and faithful God who is preparing us for the great adventure ahead.

Inspired by the Writing of Ching Co

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