The Prophetic Voice of a Wife: Tuning In and Speaking Truth

The Prophetic Voice of a Wife: Tuning And Speaking Truth:

Reading the book of Esther today, an observation about the role of women in hearing God stood out to me in the narrative. Have you ever noticed how often women seem to pick up on things others miss? A subtle shift in the atmosphere, a flicker of unease in someone’s eyes, or a quiet prompting in their spirit that something isn’t quite right. This sensitivity, this heightened awareness, is a gift, and within the context of marriage, it can be a powerful tool for guidance and protection.

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Throughout the Bible, we see examples of wives acting as prophetic voices for their husbands.

  • Hamon’s wife: Zeresh discerned the danger posed by Mordecai and warned her husband, though her advice was ultimately ignored to his detriment (Esther 5-6).
  • Pilate’s wife: Troubled by a dream, she urged her husband to have nothing to do with Jesus, recognizing His innocence (Matthew 27:19).
  • Sarah: Sarah, though initially hesitant, received divine direction regarding Hagar and Ishmael, prompting Abraham to act in accordance with God’s plan (Genesis 21:12).

These women demonstrate the unique role a wife can play in her husband’s life. They are not merely helpmates, but also discerners of truth, intercessors, and bearers of wisdom. Their sensitivity to the spiritual realm allows them to perceive nuances and receive insights that their husbands might miss.

This is not to say that all women are always right, or that husbands should blindly follow their wives’ every suggestion. Negative examples would be Ahab listening to Jezebel or the part Eve played in the fall of man. Women usually hear better than men and are naturally more spiritual (but not necessarily more godly; there’s a difference). However, this observation highlights the importance of cultivating an atmosphere of open communication and mutual respect within a marriage, where both partners feel safe sharing their thoughts and intuitions.

Here are some practical steps to cultivate this prophetic dynamic in your marriage:

  • Husbands: Value your wife’s intuition. Create a safe space for her to share her thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or dismissal. Listen attentively and prayerfully consider her perspective, even if it differs from your own.
  • Wives: Seek God diligently. Cultivate a close relationship with Him through prayer and study of His Word. Be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and share your insights with your husband in a loving and respectful manner.
  • Together: Pray together regularly. Ask God to give you both discernment and wisdom. Seek His guidance in all your decisions and trust Him to lead you through the challenges and joys of marriage.

When husbands and wives work together, honoring each other’s strengths and perspectives, they create a powerful synergy that glorifies God and strengthens their bond. Embrace the prophetic voice within your marriage and experience the blessings of walking in divine alignment.

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