The Peril of Missing God’s Timing

In the believer’s walk with God, timing is an intricate thread that weaves together our experiences, shaping our destinies and determining the course of our journeys. While we often attribute timing to mere coincidences or strokes of luck, a deeper understanding reveals that timing is not a random variable but rather a divine orchestration, a carefully calibrated measure within God’s sovereign plan.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, we encounter numerous instances where individuals or entire nations missed God’s timing, leading to consequences that were far-reaching and often devastating. Judas, the betrayer, stands as a stark reminder of the perils of disrupting God’s appointed time. His impatience and misguided attempt to force Jesus’ hand resulted in his own tragic downfall.

Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac, also suffered the repercussions of failing to align himself with God’s timing. His impulsive decision to sell his birthright for a fleeting pleasure led to a lifetime of regret and missed opportunities.

Even Barnabas and Paul, two pillars of the early church, made a misstep when it came to cooperating with God’s timing regarding Mark, their young companion. Their disagreement over whether to include Mark on their second missionary journey resulted in a temporary separation, highlighting the importance of aligning our steps with God’s divine schedule.

The Israelites, too, experienced the consequences of stepping out of God’s timing when they attempted to conquer the city of Ai without God’s explicit command. Their presumption resulted in a costly defeat, underscoring the need for unwavering obedience to God’s timing.

In the face of seemingly missed opportunities or delayed blessings, we often cry out to God, questioning His ways and wondering why He seems to be withholding His promises. However, these moments of frustration often stem from a failure to recognize God’s perfect timing.

The Israelites’ forty-year sojourn in the wilderness serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of deviating from God’s timing. Their disobedience and lack of trust in God’s plan prolonged their journey, turning a path that could have been traversed in a few months into a lengthy and arduous one.

Missing God’s timing can have far-reaching consequences, potentially depriving us of the blessings and opportunities that God has ordained for our lives. Esau, despite his earnest repentance, could never regain the birthright he relinquished out of God’s timing.

While tears of regret may be inevitable, dwelling on them can further hinder our spiritual growth. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, we must humbly acknowledge our missteps and seek to realign ourselves with God’s timing.

The cost of missing God’s timing can be immense, but it is not irreversible. Through repentance, humility, and a renewed commitment to following God’s guidance, we can regain His favor and experience the fulfillment of His promises in His perfect timing.

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Other Comments

  • Judy Betro says:

    Hi Russ
    I’m trying to see how Judas’ and Esau’s were relative here.
    And how bad choices affect God’s timing.
    We all learn differently and have been given time to do so. – with free will.
    All choices are not all ill-intended, but some are made through protection of self and or trusting or mistrusting others.

  • janbren22 says:

    Speaking of perfect timing … this message came at the perfect time! The other day as I was driving around looking for a new place to live, I drove by a man putting up a big sign advertising a new townhouse for rent. Unfortunately I waited until the next day to call and the townhouse was already rented. I deeply regret missing God’s perfect timing and pray that He gives me another chance.