The Kingdom of God is Breaking It's Banks in 2013

This is a reprint of a prophetic word in 2011 about an outpouring of God’s Spirit. The occasion of this resend is a word from Graham Cooke that the “Water Level is Rising” and a word given us recently about a coming “I-70 Outpouring” in the Midwest. Kenneth Hagin Sr. prophesied of a revival that would come and that it would track along the I-70 corridor in Colorado, Kansas and Missouri between Denver and St. Louis. Now God is speaking of this again because the time is near.
For 2013 God has instructed Kitty and I to do a JERICHO drive around the United States. He told us we were to distribute 12 Mantles in 12 cities throughout the year. Graham Cooke in his prophecy said that the “Water Level” rising would bring a DISMANTLING of illegitimate authority as happened at JERICHO. So in one statement Graham confirmed (this word was given in Castle Rock, Co. in August 2012) Graham confirmed the JERICHO DRIVE and the distributing of actual mantles. There is a dismantling going to take place and a re-mantling and this project and assignment for 2013 for us is a prophetic act to herald this work of God.
Here is the word from 2011 about the outpouring that is coming to our nation and will affect the world for the gospel. We are grateful to have a small part:
In April 2011 after Record Flooding in Southwest Missouri and Taney County the Father gave a word about an outpouring of His Spirit in the state of Missouri and throughout the world:
“The Father says: My Kingdom is about to overflow its banks in the earth says the Lord. And those who have staked their future on existing boundaries are going to be displaced as I redefine the parameters of who I am and exactly what the mandate of My Kingdom is in the world of men. There will be men and women, good men and women who will experience the displacement and become spiritual refugees because they’ve been taken unawares. But the shift is necessary says the Father for I am enlarging My territory and expanding the floodplain of the River of My Glory into here-to-for untouched areas in the societies of men.
There have been those who have undertaken great projects to define and contain what I am doing and who I am in the earth says the Father. But I will not be tamed and I will not be contained. The river of My glory is breaking over all the barriers of men and flowing into the uttermost parts of the earth to inundate, shape and pour out upon even the most despised and rejected denizens of the earth.
I am calling this day for men and women who will receive a two-fold call: to address the refugee status of those who are about to be displaced from their comfortable vantage point on the river of My glory and to also allow themselves to be carried WHEREVER the current of My river flows to be My ambassadors and regents to those whose dry and thirsty lands are about to become lake front property on the banks of My redefined purposes in the earth.
For I have not called you to simply find your habitation in view of My glory says the Father. I am calling you to plunge into the billows and push out until your feet can no longer find the bottom. I will be your stay and I will be your sustaining breath as you allow yourself to be swept into the cataracts of My Kingdom deluge that I am bringing into the earth.
I am releasing My church from the boxes and boundaries that have contained them and spilling them out into the wild where they will reproduce and challenge the kings of the earth for the captives held in bondage by them. My servants, my handmaids and my prophets will surface in venues and marketplaces where they aren’t invited but they will manifest My Glory and pour out the waters of My mercy and bring repentance, surrender and release to the captives of the earth till the entire spiritual geography of the earth shall be redrafted to take into account the work of My hands that I am doing even this day say the Father.”

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