The Jericho Drive Continues: Golden Colorado and the I-70 Outpouring

ROUTE_66_signProphets Russ and Kitty Walden invite you to a Prophetic Gathering on Saturday July 20th
in Golden, Colorado – Jericho Drive 

You are invited to an afternoon of the Prophetic with Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden in Golden, Colorado!
The Jericho Drive Continues!
The Father gave Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden a 12 month assignment to preach, teach and prophesy through out the US in 12 major cities and beyond. They have now arrived in Colorado and are excited to invite you to this meeting in Golden. The Lord actually gave the location of Golden through a series of prophetic confirmations. We know this will be a special time and you are invited!


Personal Prophecy will be included
be sure to bring your recording device.

For over a year now the Father has been speaking about a move of His Spirit that would be known as the I-70 Outpouring. In keeping with that expectation Russ and Kitty invite you to gather with them for a full day of prophetic ministry and sharing in Golden Colorado at the Hampton in on Colfax
(This event is FREE but RSVP Requested) Two Sessions on Saturday July 20th: 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. NOTE: Seating is LIMITED so RSVP is NEEDED please REGISTER using the register button below.
An Offering Will Be Received – Thank You
for Coming Prepared to Honor the Gift of God!

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