The Intoxication of God's Presence (Video)

CanaIn Springfield Missouri Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden continued a revelatory teaching introduced in a gathering in Oklahoma City. The Father doesn’t want to simply WASH us with the WORD … He wants to INTOXICATE US with His Presence! A powerful word to instruct and activate you in the INTOXICANTS of God’s Power!

[vsw id=”x2Qt_Y-M2Ks” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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  • Thank you bro Russell for this word on being intoxicated in His Spirit, I needed to be reminded of things in this word The Lord has given to you, even though you spoke this word in April I have only just listened to it.
    Praise The Lord He always knows when we need to hear from Him.