The Fathomless River of God

In the book of Ezekiel, the prophet describes a river that cannot be passed over. This river, discovered by the prophet as he waded deeper into its waters, revealed a vastness, unlike any other river he had ever encountered. Let us follow in Ezekiel’s wake into the endless depths of the River of God and the implications it holds for our spiritual journey. As we explore this river’s vastness, we will understand the need to let go of our smugness and self-satisfaction and embrace the limitless opportunities it offers to participate in the initiatives of the kingdom that are active and dynamic, unseen around us.

A Glimpse of the Unfathomable River

The prophet Ezekiel begins his journey in ankle-deep water, but as he progresses, the river begins to rise. To his surprise, it reaches his knees, then his loins, and before he knows it, he is forced to swim in this vast river. This is no ordinary body of water; it is a river that cannot be passed over. This revelation prompts us to question: What makes this river unique? What sets it apart from all others? In exploring the greatness of this river, we come to understand its connection with God’s boundless nature.

Breaking Free from Spiritual Smugness

Many of us pride ourselves on our spiritual knowledge and experiences. We attend conferences and seminars, accumulating a wealth of information. However, when we dive into God’s river, we quickly realize how little we truly know. Our smugness is shattered, and we find ourselves swimming in unexplored depths. The vastness of God’s river humbles us, revealing the limits of our understanding and encouraging us to leave behind our pride.

Embracing the Boundless River

This river, with no other shore in sight, challenges our perception of boundaries. Most rivers have banks and limits, but God’s river is endless. It has no beginning or end; it is boundless. As we navigate its waters, we begin to fathom the limitless possibilities that lie before us. This boundless river invites us to explore, venture beyond our comfort zones, and embrace a life filled with new experiences.

Overcoming Fear

Some may find the vastness of this river terrifying, but there is no reason to fear. God leads us with gentleness, guiding us through the depths of His Spirit. We must shift our perspective and see the river as an exciting challenge rather than something to be afraid of. The fear of the unknown should not hinder our progress; instead, it should fuel our desire to dive deeper into the river.

Limitless Potential and Continuous Growth

Limitless in its expanse, this river holds continuous opportunities for growth and transformation. It is not confined to specific experiences or encounters but offers an ever-evolving journey of maturity and transformation of our inner man from the stamp of Adam’s fall to the transformed grace in the face of our resurrected Lord Jesus. No longer should we limit God to certain experiences; instead, we should embrace the ever-expanding possibilities that come with exploring the vastness of this river.

The Inevitable Journey and the Call to Action

Ignoring the river of God, the Spirit of God flowing in and around us is not an option. It demands our attention and beckons us to come forth. As leaders and believers, we cannot continue on in our usual ways. The river is flowing, and we must jump in and allow ourselves to be carried away by its current. God calls us to immerse ourselves fully in His Spirit and discover the vastness that awaits.


The river described by Ezekiel provides a glimpse into the unfathomable depths of God’s Spirit. Its vastness challenges our preconceived notions and encourages us to let go of our self-sufficiency. It invites us to embrace the boundless opportunities for growth and transformation that lie within its currents. As we dive deeper into this river, we will uncover a spiritual journey beyond our wildest imagination, where possibilities are endless and limitations are shattered.

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