The Father Says You are Taking New Territory This Day


This is Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden with Father’s Heart Ministry.

Friday is Giving Day! God established ministry in the Kingdom to move forward on the merits of their ministry giftings and the appreciation of those who are benefited by the anointing they carry. We want to make room for you in this vital area of reciprocity and blessing.

Toward that end, we bring a revelatory impartation each week for you to respond in because when you give in to the anointing, it causes money to move by the Spirit in your life. It causes the initiatives of the Kingdom to be brought forward! Are you ready?

I hear the Father say this:

The Father says I am a big God, and I am doing big things, monumental things in your life even this day. I am not satisfied with small thoughts, small dreams, or small vision for I am bringing My wind into your life to impart to you and release to you enlargement of vision and expansiveness of dreams that you have never dared to dream before. It’s a new day, says the Father. Forget the disappointments and failed efforts of the past. I am taking you back into disputed territory to rend the prey from the enemy’s mouth and recapture your vision to full manifestation as though in a day.

Prophet Russ – I’m Taking New Territory this Day!

I have extended to you a blood-drenched covenant says God, even the blessing of Abraham, who was rich, he was wealthy and muchly blessed above all his peers or those around him. My covenant is established, and its terms are ratified in your life by the power I release to you this day by My mighty hand and My outstretched arms. This is the reason WHY I brought you into the earth that I might show My power and manifest My greatness and demonstrate My glory in you, on you, and through you out to the nations of the earth.

This day I have given you:

Power to get wealth says God (Deu. 8:18).

Power yes, to overcome the enemy and the adversary of your vision (Psa. 59:16)

Power to ride in majesty above the high places of the earth (Isa. 58:14).

Power to see kings bow to My will as I move to bless you and favor you above that of your brethren (Isa. 60:10).

Power to overcome and to triumph when all others have faltered (2 Cor. 2:4).

God says that you will suckle at the breasts of My goodness, and you will nestle in the safety of My strength. You will go out in the battle, and you will return with the spoil. Nations will render up to you of their bounty, for they will know that My hand of honor is upon you. There have been those who honored you not says God, but they are as the small dust of the balance. Kings will bow, and nations will be humbled at the testimony and the report of My majesty and goodness laid out before you like a table prepared in the midst of your enemies. It’s a new day, says God a day when the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of your God and His Christ. I prophesy to you by the words of one whom I am so compelled to speak and write these words down as an assurance to you of highest heart desire and greatest dream fulfilled in a radical measure on your life today.

Prophet Russ – Fear Won’t Hold Me Any Longer!

The gates of the adversary are open to you this day that you might go forward conquering and to conquer. Fear not neither be dismayed for where you failed in time past you will now achieve and succeed not in your own strength but in My name that this day unfurls as a banner over your life even JEHOVAH-NISSI for I am your banner and I am the anchor in which you trust, and you will no longer be disappointed or turned back on a single score.

Accept it says the Father!

Receive it says the Father!

Your Inheritance has Come!

The Gavel has Come Down in Your Favor!

All that was Lost is Restored Seven-Fold!

This is your day. This is your turnaround time for I am the Lord your God that makes good on the promises of His word both the change and bring shift as the atmosphere of glory comes down and initiates in your life the DAYS OF HEAVEN ON EARTH from this time forward.

Now, God says press into this word and make it your own. When you release your faith by sowing into a prophetic word, an immediate shift to favor and increase occurs. This is how faith works. Giving in to the anointing causes what that anointing carries to determine what happens next in your life. Step out in faith and see what God does. What do you give? Give as you purpose in your heart, for out of the heart are the issues of life. The vision of your heart is substantiated and brought to manifestation by tangible acts of faith and obedience! Yes, your need may be great, but let me tell you something – a significant need requires a significant seed to break the enemy’s assault by the faith it takes to give it!

Prophet Russ – Restoration is Mine Today!

Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.

Make your donation a point of contact with this prophecy over your life. Every word from heaven and this word today comes to pass and manifests in your life as you engage with it by acts of faith and anticipation.

Go to and sow into this breakthrough word for your situation.

Via Paypal -or- Via Square

To Give by Phone:

You may also call our office at 417-593-9802 to make your donation. Ask for our assistant Katie or Georgette, and they will help you. If the lines are busy, leave a voice mail, and we will call you back.

To Give by Mail:

Father’s Heart Ministry
P.O. Box 1915
Branson, Missouri 65615

Remember, every word mixed with faith immediately begins to come to pass. Your donation is your step of faith, believing. When something leaves your hand to God, something leaves His hand to you. There is power in this word to TURN THINGS AROUND for you and move your life in the direction highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.


Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden
I’m Giving into the Transaction with Heaven Today!

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