The Father Says Today: September 9th, 2021

The Father Says Today, “What Are You Waiting For?” You live in a world filled with an array of beliefs and theories that contradict who I AM and what I said. Some arguments sound convincing and many others are far-fetched and outlandish. Do you believe that you are nothing but a speck of nothingness; a meaningless mass of protoplasm that evolved from a single organism? What do you see? Do you see yourself as chosen and worthy of all of the promises of God? Do you really deep down in your being believe? What are you fighting and struggling with today? Are you filled with doubt? Do you doubt what I said and IF what I said is really true? What thoughts ail you? What plagues you time after time? Do you continue to struggle day after day, year after year with the same familiar issues you thought would be behind you by now? Well, I say, DROP IT. Let’s just settle this once and for all – YOU ARE MINE. Do you want to know something? You are filled with and created by the ONE that will never leave you nor forsake you.

ALL of the promises – ALL of LIFE and the substance of LIFE is within you. ALL of the LOVE that sent me to die on the Cross for you is available to you every moment of your life. ALL of the JOY is YOURS because I freed you from every work of the enemy that is against you. Do you know how powerful you are? Do you question my promises and if they are intended for you? You may have a seeing problem, but you don’t need to go to the eye doctor to fix your vision. No, you just need to focus on ME. You think it is all your fault and up to you to fix all of the myriad of problems you face, but you are forgetting that you just need to Believe Me and Trust Me. You are seeing from the physical reality of the law of cause and effect, but who I AM goes far beyond everything you are facing right now. Nothing is too big for Me and nothing is impossible to Me. I see your past and your future. I see you the way I created you from the foundation of the world. I don’t see your failures or your shortcomings. I see your potential and reality in ME. Drop the baggage and the pain, the hurt, and the disappointment and come……No; RUN to Me.

Kris Rey

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  • Robin Wilson says:

    My lord this is talking to me for so long I blamed myself and I have isolated myself thinking all of gods promises were not for me but god was speaking to me all my hurt and pain and disappointments made me feel like what you said I was merely nothing but I am thank you please pray I release all my hurt and pain

  • Sophia Moorer says:

    My God! This was just for me. Almost my exact feelings this morning. I was giving up! Just took a walk and put some of the questions to God. Maybe it isn’t meant for me. Thank you!

  • Kris,
    Thank you for the powerful, spirit filled prophetic word for today. I felt God’s power as I read each word. I thank God for you and your anointing because we really need a true word from God right now.

  • This is very validating for me. I was speaking with a friend about his reluctance to go forth in ministry because he’s not doing what he should. In short, he doesn’t want to be hypocritical. I told him don’t look at your short comings, look to GOD. Seek His presence, instruction and strength and THEN go forth and minister. It is Father God Who gives us life, health, and supernatural strength to be overcomers. Thank You!

  • This prophetic word brought me to tears. It only could have come from the Lord as it touch so many feelings. I believe, I am praying that the Lord will help my unbelief. Thank you Prophet l. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏🙏🙏