The Father Says Today: September 9th, 2012

The Father says today that change is not harmful, change is beneficial. I am the Lord your God and it is true that I change not. But even so I have made change the one constant in your life. Don’t expect the people, places and things in your life to be constant or static. Things change, people change and My will for your life adapts to those realities.
I no longer write in stone says the Father. I write in sand. I re-scribe your life daily with My finger. I turn back the company of Pharisees and hypocrites who stand aloof from you and complain that they won’t have the chance to hurl their stones of condemnation and death at your head.
I am giving you the opportunity to walk away from failure and missed opportunity. You need no longer morn at the funeral bier of vanquished hopes. I am the God of the second chance. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Move on.

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