The Father Says Today: September 8th, 2021

The Father says today, My Spirit is being poured out in a greater and greater measure in this hour. Those in tune with My plans will sense it and choose to flow with it. You do have a choice and it starts within you. My Glory is being poured out within My people and multiplied agreements create a convergence overflowing to the outward manifestations and external miracles that you long for. To the degree of your hunger and thirst, I Am able to expand your capacity to receive and fill you up with more. To the degree of your availability, I Am able to provide opportunities and open doors for you to walk through. To the degree of your openness to My plans not held back by traditions, that is the level that I Am able to move through you to help others. Awakening – Outpouring – Revival. Wars – Pestilence – Hurricanes. Does this spark anything in you? Do you see the signs of the times? I need My people mobilized and in position, ready when I give the order to GO! In your great and mighty prayers, you might not have considered what would be required of you when the prayers are answered.

Get up, dust yourself off; shake off the cobwebs from your Bible and your thinking. Remove the lids and limitations because what is coming has not been seen or done before. So many complain about what I want them to do, what they are called to do, where do you want me to go, Lord? This is one of the number one prayers among My people. So many are waiting for a lightning bolt from the sky saying go to Africa or China, or a title that you are a pastor or a prophet, but what if I told you to go next door? What if I said pray for the checker at the grocery store or the woman in the wheelchair? What about the single mother trying to buy groceries on little money while trying to keep her kids in tow? Do you help them? Great, then you can help more. If not, this is where you start. This is a ministry in this hour. Every person you meet is someone that potentially needs to know the sacrifice that has been made for them giving them authority in the earth. It’s time to rise up and tell them.

Georgette Thompson

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Other Comments

  • I agree. I am praying I will be Rapture Ready as well as for those around me. I have a passion for the lowly in which I allowed the cares of life to choke, has been buried. This prophetic word speaks volumes. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏🙏🙏

  • Amen. We CAN change the world if we start with our own brother, sister, neighbor or friend. Act locally, think globally. Be faithful in the little and God will be faithful in the big. Thank You!