The Father Says Today: September 7th, 2023

The Father says today I am right here beside you, always. No matter the challenges, rest assured that I am fully present and engaged in your life. Don’t let the circumstances around you define your perception of the faithfulness I have towards you. Instead, look to My word, the unwavering guarantee of My promises. Trust in the fact that I will come through for you. When faced with decisions, ask yourself which authority you will submit to – the authority of the circumstance or the authority of My promises? Consider the testimonies of those who have gone before you and have experienced My faithfulness. Refuse to allow skepticism and doubt to fill your mind as you approach me in prayer. My word stands forever, unchanging, and your challenges will ultimately bow down to the supremacy of My word. This is your birthright, your inheritance, and a glimpse into the future that awaits you.

In times of distress, you may find yourself questioning, “God, what are you doing?” Rest assured, My child, that I am orchestrating events to bring you to a place where your words and actions have the same impact as if I spoke or acted in your stead. Remember, I am the King of kings, and I have appointed you to be kings and priests as well, representing My name on earth. Just as kings have authority over their kingdoms, know that Satan’s authority in this world is illegitimate. So go out into your day with confidence, enforcing the mandates of My kingdom in your own life and the lives of others. Embrace the role of a follower, an imitator of who I am. In every situation, strive to do what I would do if I were in your shoes. Step out in faith, just like Peter walking on water. Extend compassion to the marginalized, like when I cleansed the lepers. Believe in the power of resurrection and life, for even the dead can be raised. Know that today, you are an overcomer in all things, equipped to conquer any obstacle that comes your way. Take heart, My beloved child, for your future is filled with victories and testimonies of My goodness and faithfulness. Believe and see that; indeed, everything will align for your good.

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