The Father Says Today: September 7th, 2021

The Father says today, do you not know that the plan I have for your life is so much more than you could ever imagine? I want to show off My children and through you show forth My glory on the earth. For I will enhance the image and stature of every one of My children who will yield their lives to Me to reveal their destiny purposes. There is a transformation process that is being revealed in you to bring you to the place of knowing Me more fully, that you will be a part of the supernatural transfiguration that I have in store for you.

For I have called you as a trailblazer, says the Father. I am calling you to lead the way to bring others to find Me. You are showing them even as the woman at the well brought the whole village to Me. It was because of her encounter with Me that brought the change and caused her to be a trailblazer of My glory. I am calling you into supernatural encounters with Me. Make room for this in your life and trust Me to show up. Oh yes, I long to have encounters with you and not just encounters; not just visitations, but habitations where we are one and together in life, and experience the atmospheric pressure of the supernatural as the norm, says the Father.

Prophet Terri Allen

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  • Thank You Father for these Powerful Words full of Love. Thank You for lifting us up from where we are…. And taking us fro Glory to Glory… For Your Name Sake…. YOUR WONDERFUL.. I’m Waiting on You. Amen.

  • Even as my body is being transformed AGAIN with strength training, so is my spirit undergoing a new transformation process. AGAIN. He says ‘Behold! I will do a new thing.’ This Daughter awaits Your habitation, Holy Spirit, with praise and thanksgiving in her mouth. Thank You!

  • Hallelujah. Yes, it is time to uproot my talents that I have buried. My prayers has been heard. I will walk it out as it has been spoken. Thanks. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏