The Father Says Today: September 6th, 2023

The Father says today, the fear of the Lord is clean. The fear of anything else is unclean, to be rejected and put under your feet as an empowered believer in My kingdom. I want to assure you that you need not fear the encroaching darkness that seems to be prevailing in the world. Do not be dismayed or overwhelmed by the godless individuals who mock the truths that you hold dear. Truth always triumphs over deceit, and my truth will remain steadfast and undeterred. In the midst of this chaos, there may be voices within the faith community that will try to instill fear and doubt in your heart. They may suggest that your level of faith is measured by the amount of distress you feel about the state of the world. But I want to remind you, my precious child, to fear not. You are part of my cherished flock, and it brings Me great joy to promise you the kingdom.

Even as darkness looms over the land, do not be swayed by the illusions and threats of the enemy. Know that, eventually, my people will be awakened and rise up as a mighty nation, just as Joel prophesied. Be careful not to let worry consume you. Instead, in every circumstance, give thanks. This is your calling, your identity, and your rightful place. Yes, the world may be shrouded in gross darkness, but there is also the promise of a new dawn spreading on the mountains. Where you focus your attention will determine what comes next. When all human systems fail, you will remain standing if you choose to place your trust solely in Me and not in any contaminated or compromised false hope. This is a significant moment of visitation from me, and the shift is already taking place. Let this transformation begin within you as you return to the solid foundation that has nurtured and shaped you. Offer your sacrifices and intercession there, believing that change will come. Trust that I am orchestrating a greater purpose, even in the midst of uncertainty. So, my child, fear not. Embrace the kingdom that is yours. Stand firm in your faith and watch as my plans unfold. Remember, in this time of shifting tides, you have the power to make a difference through your unwavering trust in me.

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  • Geri Costello says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This resonates with me so much, in this season of my life. This lifts my faith and increases intimacy with God. The best friend we could ever have, is someone who lifts our faith and increases our intimacy with God! I love how practical and real your prophesy is, always. I than God for you. May your ability to receive God’s love, wisdom and power, increase in you and all who read this in Jesus Name. I thank God for your ministry. God Bless. X Geri