The Father Says Today: September 6th, 2012

The Father says today that the voice crying in the wilderness leads you OUT and not IN to the dry places. It doesn’t take a prophet to identify the wrath to come says the Father. The doom and gloomers have seen some things coming upon the earth but that isn’t the whole story.
The Kingdom is coming and the kingdom is RIGHTEOUSNESS, JOY AND PEACE. My government is on the increase in the earth says the Father. My government isn’t superintended by political process – My government reigns in SOVERIEGNTY over the political process.
It’s not by MIGHT nor by POWER but by My Spirit says the Father that I will do the things in the earth that I am going to do. I work in the midst of the mess that men make to bring about My sovereign purposes. So fear not and don’t be distracted by men who act in contravention of My purposes. Know this: that I rule among the kingdoms of men and I take down one and set up another. Man might pull the voting lever but it is My sovereign purposes that control the outcome from My Throne.

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