The Father Says Today: September 5th, 2023

The Father says today is a significant day for you. I am not just passing through your life; I have come to establish a permanent presence in your journey. Preparing the way and opening your heart so that others may witness the radiance of My glory through you is crucial. You are chosen to carry and display this glory, and I invite you to embrace a life of honor and servanthood before Me. Even amidst those who choose their own paths, make yourself available to Me, and I will use you, spend you, and shape you into a vessel of honor, says God. Do not serve Me out of cowering fear or guilty obligation; instead, seek Me as a compassionate Father with wholehearted dedication. This is the acceptable sacrifice filled with My life, reflecting My glory and demonstrating My holiness to a darkened humanity around you. 

I will fill the empty areas in your life and bring forth restitution, showering you with the recompense of My mercy, which was obtained through the sacrifice of Calvary. So, be prepared, My child. Just as the Israelites ate the Passover lamb with their sandals on and staff in hand, be ready to recognize the significance of the opportunities I bring. Resolve in your heart to desire more than temporary, cathartic spiritual encounters. I offer you a profound and enduring indwelling of My Spirit, something transient experiences cannot achieve. As part of My Bride, I long for an intimate, lifelong connection that surpasses superficial interaction and permeates every aspect of your being. My beloved, come to Me willingly. Surrender your will and allow Me to prepare your heart so that you may receive the inherent habitation of My glorious presence, available to all who abandon themselves to Me.

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